Day-4 Task-2
Day-4 Task-2,Task: Create a class Called PlayGround Create non-static variables as below. int score, balls, catches; String player_name; Create main method. Inside main method, cre...
Day10 Task
Day10 Task, Create a class Called PlayGround Create non-static variables as below. int score, balls, catches; String player_name; Create main method. Inside main method, create two...
Day 11 –> Today Task
Day 11 --> Today Task, Create a class Called PlayGround Create non-static variables as below. int score, balls, catches; String player_name; Create main method. Inside main method,...
Day 11 Today class:
Day 11 Today class:,class Supermarket { int price, discount; //global variables - non-static String product_name; //global variables - non-static public Supermarket(String product_...
Day – 1 Task 1
Day - 1 Task 1,class Employee { public static void main(String[] args) { Employee hari=new Employee(); int output=hari.work(10); hari.develop(); System.out.println('output='+output...
Day – 4 Task-1
Day - 4 Task-1,class Employee { public static void main(String[] args) { Employee emp=new Employee(); emp.develop(); int output = emp.work(10); System.out.println('work' + ' ' + ou...
Day 10 Task:
Day 10 Task:, Create a class 'Employee' Have main method in it. Inside main method, create an object. Using this object, call method called 'develop'. using this object, call metho...
DAY 9 Task
DAY 9 Task, Create a class 'Employee' Have main method in it. Inside main method, create an object. Using this object, call method called 'develop'. using this object, call method ...
Day7 Task:
Day7 Task:,** 1.Create a class Called Player 2.Have main method in it. 3.Inside main method, create an instance(object) called 'dhoni'. 4.Using 'dhoni' reference, call a method cal...
Today Task
Today Task,Task: Create a class Called Player Have main method in it. Inside main method, create an instance(object) called 'dhoni'. Using 'dhoni' reference, call a method called '...
Day-3 What is mean by Method overloading?
Day-3 What is mean by Method overloading?, 原文链接:Day-3 What is mean by Method overloading?