neon,emirp,prime,armstrong,prime,sum,reverse -numbers
neon,emirp,prime,armstrong,prime,sum,reverse -numbers,Sum of Number package Afterfeb4; public class sumofnumber { public static void main(String[] args) { int no = 96785; int sum =...
Day-4 Task-2
Day-4 Task-2,Task: Create a class Called PlayGround Create non-static variables as below. int score, balls, catches; String player_name; Create main method. Inside main method, cre...
Day 4 – None Datatype & input() function in Python
Day 4 - None Datatype & input() function in Python,None Datatype: The Python NoneType is a data type that represents the absence of a value. In Python, the NoneType is represented ...
Day 22- String Functions and Recursion
Day 22- String Functions and Recursion,1.Write a program to add space between the strings. txt = 'TodayIsFriday' first = True for letter in txt: if letter>='A' and letter<='Z...
Day 16 – Slicing,for loop and nested loop
Day 16 - Slicing,for loop and nested loop,Slicing: Slicing is a programming technique used in Python to extract a portion of a sequence. By specifying a range of indices, you can r...
Task-7,Assignment 7: Goal: Learning Inheritance, super keyword and Method Overriding Grandma: Create a class called 'Grandma'. Declare Field as below in it. String name = 'Stella';...
Java User Input (Scanner)
Java User Input (Scanner),Java User Input The Scanner class is used to get user input, and it is found in the java.util package. To use the Scanner class, create an object of the c...
features of java
features of java,today is the first day of learned java. in the class sir teach as features of java. and the end of the class he told as to search in onilne. about the topic of fea...
Python Day 7-How to build a Tech Community?
Python Day 7-How to build a Tech Community?,As I mentioned in my first blog there are many tech based communities like, https://forums.tamillinuxcommunity.org/ https://kaniyam.com/...
Day 24 – List Functions
Day 24 - List Functions,extend() vs append() vs insert(): extend()-Adds all elements from an iterable (e.g., list, tuple) to the end of the list. append()-Adds a single element to ...
Python Day – 30 Types of Arguments, Types of variables
Python Day - 30 Types of Arguments, Types of variables, Types of Arguments: 1) Positional Arguments 2) Variable Length Arguments 3) Keyword Arguments 4) Default Arguments 5) Keywor...
count of letter
count of letter,1) Frequency of Each letter in a given String(key != '*') 2) Non-repeated char. in a given String(count==1) 3) Repeated Char. in a given String(count>1) 4) First...