Non-primitive data type
Non-primitive data type,Java programming language has two types of data types Primitive data types (predefined data types) Non-primitive data types Enter fullscreen mode Exit fulls...
Day 8 – Datatype
Day 8 - Datatype,What is Datatype? --> Data types specify the different sizes and values that can be stored in the variable. --> Java is a statically-typed programming langua...
Simple program using Return keyword…
Simple program using Return keyword..., output 原文链接:Simple program using Return keyword...
Python Day 7-How to build a Tech Community?
Python Day 7-How to build a Tech Community?,As I mentioned in my first blog there are many tech based communities like, https://forums.tamillinuxcommunity.org/ https://kaniyam.com/...
Day 24 – List Functions
Day 24 - List Functions,extend() vs append() vs insert(): extend()-Adds all elements from an iterable (e.g., list, tuple) to the end of the list. append()-Adds a single element to ...
Java basic program with expansion
Java basic program with expansion,Created a class as public class Library Created a object as Library books = new Library(); Object is memory representation of class. Most importan...
Keyword:Abstract-Extends,Interface-Implements,Java abstract Keyword The abstract keyword is used to achieve abstraction in Java. It is a non-access modifier which is used to create...
Day 10 Task:
Day 10 Task:, Create a class 'Employee' Have main method in it. Inside main method, create an object. Using this object, call method called 'develop'. using this object, call metho...
Python day-28 Dictionary, Frequency of character using nested loops
Python day-28 Dictionary, Frequency of character using nested loops, Dictionary-{} --> Dictionaries are used to store data values in key:value pairs. --> A dictionary is a co...
Write a program to EB bill calculator
Write a program to EB bill calculator,Electricity Board bill calculator: An Electricity Bill (EB) Calculator is a tool used to estimate the cost of electricity consumption based on...
Day-5 Example for Encapsulation
Day-5 Example for Encapsulation,public class Friend1 { String name; long mobileNo; private int atmPin; public Friend1(String name, long mobileNo, int atmPin) { this.name = name; th...
binary search,linear search
binary search,linear search,Java Program for Linear Search In the world of computer science, searching algorithms are fundamental techniques for retrieving information from data st...