4️⃣ Advanced Python Concepts Every Programmer Needs ️
4️⃣ Advanced Python Concepts Every Programmer Needs ️, Introduction In this article, discover efficient ways to manage contexts and enhance code documentation using DocStrings. ...
fdasfas,` feadsf > {% embed - asdfa 1. _****_fdsaf %}sdfasd ` Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode 原文链接:fdasfas
Introducing Four Improvements To Anvil’s Custom Components
Introducing Four Improvements To Anvil’s Custom Components, We've made it simpler to build and use custom components in Anvil Anvil's Custom Components allow you to build reusable...
SMSlink.nc, the SMS API by/for New-Caledonia
SMSlink.nc, the SMS API by/for New-Caledonia , About Recently I felt on SMSlink.nc : a platform that makes it possible to send SMS to New-Caledonia,... and which provides free SMS ...
Python weekly issue 30
Python weekly issue 30,本周刊由 Python猫 出品,精心筛选国内外的 250+ 信息源,为你挑选最值得分享的文章、教程、开源项目、软件工具、播客和视频、热门话题等内容。愿景:帮助所有读者精进...
Blackfire support for Python 3.12 is now available
Blackfire support for Python 3.12 is now available ,It’s official! Blackfire support for Python 3.12 is now available Python 3.12 has been released, and we are thrilled to announc...
Weekly Dev Findings 11
Weekly Dev Findings 11, Python ruff-formatter - ruff linter now formats code just like black formatter benedict - Python dict with super powers Panther - yet another async web fram...
Java 17 LTS
Java 17 LTS,Introduction Java 17 is a special version of Java that is designed to be used for production applications. It will be supported by Oracle for many years, so you can be ...
Weekly Dev Findings 10
Weekly Dev Findings 10, Python pint - unit conversion lib rustimport - import Rust code from Python FastAPI 0.104.0 - code reference docs using new Annotated[..., Doc] syntax Front...
Weekly Dev Findings 9
Weekly Dev Findings 9, Adobe Max Conf 2023 Fast Fill / Scene Change - Generative Fill for videos Draw and Delight - AI autofill from sketchy art Neo Speak - 3D editor Primrose - dr...
Weekly Dev Findings 8
Weekly Dev Findings 8, Python Python 3.12 release Better error description >>> sys.version_info Traceback (most recent call last): File '<stdin>', line 1, in <mod...
Cerebrium + Daily: Simplifying deployments for your AI-powered voice and video apps
Cerebrium + Daily: Simplifying deployments for your AI-powered voice and video apps, AI Week 2023 (6 Part Series) 1 Daily AI Week* 2023: Voice, video, and AI for developers 2 Intro...