Java Virtual Threads Specification
Java Virtual Threads Specification,I recently found out this interesting Java specification - The Java Virtual Threads On of the biggest concerns of threads implementation in Java ...
Java 23 Has Arrived What’s New ?
Java 23 Has Arrived What's New ?,Java 23 has officially been released! It’s a non-LTS (Long Term Support) release. Java 23 comes packed with exciting improvements, bug fixes, and ...
New Horizon in Automation: Rocketry
New Horizon in Automation: Rocketry,There are plenty of scheduling options out there: cron, Airflow, APScheduler... However, they are all limited with the type of automation they a...
Introducing the New Release of ReductStore Python SDK: v1.3.0: Labels Support and More
Introducing the New Release of ReductStore Python SDK: v1.3.0: Labels Support and More,We are happy to announce the release of version 1.3.0 of the ReductStore SDK for Python! This...
Находки по разработке 2
Находки по разработке 2, Прикол недели Звездочки на Гитхабе можно купить codelimit - новый Python линтер Де...
Validate New-Caledonia Phone Numbers from cli ⌨️
Validate New-Caledonia Phone Numbers from cli ⌨️, PhoneNumber Validator (2 Part Series) 1 ️ An Open Source Java SDK to validate phonenumbers in New-Caledonia 🧑🤝🧑 2 Valida...
OpenCV-Snapchat Filter RestAPI with FastAPI
OpenCV-Snapchat Filter RestAPI with FastAPI, Object Detection Series (3 Part Series) 1 OpenCV-Snapchat Filter RestAPI with FastAPI 2 Real-time sign language detection android appli...
Happy birthday Django!
Happy birthday Django! ,Django is 15 years old! Simon Willison @simonw 15 years ago today on my blog: Introducing Django simonwillison.net/2005/Jul/17/dj… 13:57 PM - 17 Jul 2020 D...
Web Development Technologies: Fueling India’s Space Exploration – Lessons from Chandrayaan 3
Web Development Technologies: Fueling India's Space Exploration - Lessons from Chandrayaan 3 , Introduction Where the boundless reaches of space meet the limitless horizons of we...
Guys, I’ve done it, I have a blog!
Guys, I've done it, I have a blog!,Well it took a while but I finally bought a domain and got my self a blog. I am planning to talk mostly about kotlin, java, AI, and all my crazy ...
Java 21 is out… and bookmarks
Java 21 is out... and bookmarks , About The aim of this short post is to put some resources about Java 21 LTS release: ... which is, according to endoflife.date a LTS one: Remarkab...
My First YouTube Video | I am Back!!
My First YouTube Video | I am Back!!, Hi Hey folks, I am Yash Makan, a 17-year-old teenager whose life revolves around technology. I love creating and building stuff. I am a freela...