opt-sms awakens
opt-sms awakens , OPT-SMS (5 Part Series) 1 opt-sms awakens 2 Inspired by Twilio we started to build our own (pico)cli to send sms 3 Anakin veut envoyer de (très) gros SMS depuis ...
Tech News and Opinions about Python
Tech News and Opinions about Python,Disclaimer: I don't hate Python. I'm studying it over at Exercism. The opinions of the writer and commentators of the quoted article are their o...
Quick Guide: Developer News and Tech Updates for 2021
Quick Guide: Developer News and Tech Updates for 2021,2021 is already proving to be a fast-paced year. The tech industry has seen new and exciting developments in a variety of indu...
Detecting Fake News with Python and Machine Learning
Detecting Fake News with Python and Machine Learning,We consume news through several mediums throughout the day in our daily routine, but sometimes it becomes difficult to decide w...
Находки по разработке 5
Находки по разработке 5, https://ffmpeg.guide/ - GUI для ffmpeg https://velocity.builder.io/ - figma to code тул делают https://typesense.org/ - оп...
ActiveFence + Daily: Helping developers deliver AI-powered content moderation in real-time video
ActiveFence + Daily: Helping developers deliver AI-powered content moderation in real-time video, AI Week 2023 (6 Part Series) 1 Daily AI Week* 2023: Voice, video, and AI for devel...
SMS batch sending with csv input
SMS batch sending with csv input, OPT-SMS (5 Part Series) 1 opt-sms awakens 2 Inspired by Twilio we started to build our own (pico)cli to send sms 3 Anakin veut envoyer de (très) ...
Useful tutorial and blog post link for developer
Useful tutorial and blog post link for developer,ElasticSearch API tutorial with java example https://codebooker.blogspot.com/2023/02/inserting-data-into-elasticsearch-with.html ht...
Weekly Dev Findings 7
Weekly Dev Findings 7,It appears that there are not many Russians here, so I decided to write this issue in English. I wonder if Russian language will be a problem, or if it does n...
Java 23 Has Arrived What’s New ?
Java 23 Has Arrived What's New ?,Java 23 has officially been released! It’s a non-LTS (Long Term Support) release. Java 23 comes packed with exciting improvements, bug fixes, and ...
Upcoming Python Features Brought to You by Python Enhancement Proposals
Upcoming Python Features Brought to You by Python Enhancement Proposals,Before any new feature, change or improvement makes it into Python, there needs to be a Python Enhancement P...
Reduct Storage SDKs update and Web Console v0.5.0
Reduct Storage SDKs update and Web Console v0.5.0,Hey, everyone! This is a little update from the Reduct Storage project. As we announced before, we released Reduct Storage v0.8.0....