Actualiza tu perfil de GitHub con README y GitHub Actions – Parte 1
Actualiza tu perfil de GitHub con README y GitHub Actions - Parte 1, Esta sera una serie de 3 Post: Crear nuestro README en GitHub Escribir un script en python para crear nuestro R...
Processing Markdown in Python using available CommonMark implementations: cmarkgfm, paka.cmark, and mistletoe
Processing Markdown in Python using available CommonMark implementations: cmarkgfm, paka.cmark, and mistletoe,Markdown is 'just enough markup' to write most of the documents I writ...
Let’s Create a Toy Markdown Editor with Python Tkinter!
Let's Create a Toy Markdown Editor with Python Tkinter!,Markdown Editor are one of the trending things nowadays. Everybody is creating a markdown editor, some of them are innovativ...
Generate HTML documentation from Markdown with Maven Site plugin
Generate HTML documentation from Markdown with Maven Site plugin,Preparing readable documentation, that is easy to maintain is not a trivial task and not a favourite one for most d...
How I published/deployed my Python package to PYPI easily.
How I published/deployed my Python package to PYPI easily.,Originally published at blog.mphomphego.co.za on April 16, 2019. I love reading Medium post time to time, but never have ...