Cleaning up markdown generated from pandoc with Python
Cleaning up markdown generated from pandoc with Python,I’ve been playing around with Pelican lately, using it to build my new Nimble Autonomy, LLC site (more on that soon). So far...
Learning Open Source contribution with GitHub workflows
Learning Open Source contribution with GitHub workflows,This week was my first attempt at contributing to an open source project for which I had no original contribution. It was an...
Build a Markdown-based Blog with Spring Boot – Part 3
Build a Markdown-based Blog with Spring Boot - Part 3, Markdown Blog with Spring Boot (6 Part Series) 1 Build a Markdown-based Blog with Spring Boot - Part 1 2 Build a Markdown-bas...
Afficher du Markdown dans une application Qt
Afficher du Markdown dans une application Qt,Comme vous le savez déjà, je travaille (presque) sur un frigo connecté. Il existe une application PC pour faire la maintenance de ce...
Build a Markdown-based Blog with Spring Boot – Part 2
Build a Markdown-based Blog with Spring Boot - Part 2, Markdown Blog with Spring Boot (6 Part Series) 1 Build a Markdown-based Blog with Spring Boot - Part 1 2 Build a Markdown-bas...
Setting Up Pelican Static Site Generator
Setting Up Pelican Static Site Generator, Creating a Pelican Static Site (2 Part Series) 1 Setting Up Pelican Static Site Generator 2 Deploying Your Pelican Static Site To Netlify ...
Converting markdown to pdf in Python
Converting markdown to pdf in Python,There are many solutions for the task of automatically converting text in markdown format into a printable pdf file. These solutions based on P...
Asking for feedback on open source CLI tool that exports Markdown to PDF using html and css templates(MDExport)
Asking for feedback on open source CLI tool that exports Markdown to PDF using html and css templates(MDExport),Recently i've been building my first open source project. It's a CLI...
Markdown-ImageLocalize,Project url:Img_link_to_local_markdown This is a python script that scans all the markdown files of a folder looking for images links, and substitutes the ur...
How to add new markdown cells using python
How to add new markdown cells using python,Hi, I am working on a project where I need to write text in markdown cells one after another. However, manually adding and editing cells ...
Documentação Automática usando MkDocs e Python
Documentação Automática usando MkDocs e Python,Algo que curto muito é ficar navegando na documentação de libs sinceramente uma documentação é algo que acho lindo de se ver...
CSV to Markdown Generator
CSV to Markdown Generator,# csv_to_markdown.py # This program imports a comma separated list of values # for clients of a gym. It then processes the information # into a markdown f...