Documentação Automática usando MkDocs e Python-拾光赋

Documentação Automática usando MkDocs e Python

Documentação Automática usando MkDocs e Python,Algo que curto muito é ficar navegando na documentação de libs sinceramente uma documentação é algo que acho lindo de se ver...
Working with Markdown in Python-拾光赋

Working with Markdown in Python

Working with Markdown in Python,This article was originally written by Ravgeet Dhillon on the Honeybadger Developer Blog. If you use the Internet, you have surely come across the t...
Why I built another static site generator: A love story-拾光赋

Why I built another static site generator: A love story

Why I built another static site generator: A love story,Does the world need another static site generator? Honestly... no. But, does it deserve another one? YES! It all started fro...
調整 Jupyter Lab/Colab 中 markdown 儲存格的字體大小-拾光赋

調整 Jupyter Lab/Colab 中 markdown 儲存格的字體大小

調整 Jupyter Lab/Colab 中 markdown 儲存格的字體大小,在 Jupyter Lab 或是 Colab 下, markdown 儲存格的字體不大, 像是底下這個表格: 對於老花眼族群實在很不友善, 看起來非常辛苦, 本文就說...
Generate HTML documentation from Markdown with Maven Site plugin-拾光赋

Generate HTML documentation from Markdown with Maven Site plugin

Generate HTML documentation from Markdown with Maven Site plugin,Preparing readable documentation, that is easy to maintain is not a trivial task and not a favourite one for most d...
Futuristic documentation systems in Python, part 1: aiming for more-拾光赋

Futuristic documentation systems in Python, part 1: aiming for more

Futuristic documentation systems in Python, part 1: aiming for more, Introduction I love Python, and I love writing documentation. In fact, I was so lucky that at some point I land...
Cleaning up markdown generated from pandoc with Python-拾光赋

Cleaning up markdown generated from pandoc with Python

Cleaning up markdown generated from pandoc with Python,I’ve been playing around with Pelican lately, using it to build my new Nimble Autonomy, LLC site (more on that soon). So far...
Actualiza tu perfil de GitHub con README y GitHub Actions - Parte 1-拾光赋

Actualiza tu perfil de GitHub con README y GitHub Actions – Parte 1

Actualiza tu perfil de GitHub con README y GitHub Actions - Parte 1, Esta sera una serie de 3 Post: Crear nuestro README en GitHub Escribir un script en python para crear nuestro R...
Build a Markdown-based Blog with Spring Boot - Part 1-拾光赋

Build a Markdown-based Blog with Spring Boot – Part 1

Build a Markdown-based Blog with Spring Boot - Part 1, Markdown Blog with Spring Boot (6 Part Series) 1 Build a Markdown-based Blog with Spring Boot - Part 1 2 Build a Markdown-bas...
Learning Open Source contribution with GitHub workflows-拾光赋

Learning Open Source contribution with GitHub workflows

Learning Open Source contribution with GitHub workflows,This week was my first attempt at contributing to an open source project for which I had no original contribution. It was an...
How I published/deployed my Python package to PYPI easily.-拾光赋

How I published/deployed my Python package to PYPI easily.

How I published/deployed my Python package to PYPI easily.,Originally published at on April 16, 2019. I love reading Medium post time to time, but never have ...
How To Convert Markdown To HTML Using Python-拾光赋

How To Convert Markdown To HTML Using Python

How To Convert Markdown To HTML Using Python,In this article, we are going to see how we can use python to convert GitHub flavoured markdown text to HTML. We will go through a pyth...