Deploy Celery & RabbitMQ with Compose-拾光赋

Deploy Celery & RabbitMQ with Compose

Deploy Celery & RabbitMQ with Compose,Off late, I had been working a lot with FastAPI. Recently, however I had a requirement. I needed to run tasks in the background after the requ...
Scale your Django App with Celery-拾光赋

Scale your Django App with Celery

Scale your Django App with Celery,Here, I will demonstrate how I integrated Celery into my Django app after reading many frustrating documentation pages. trust me you will find thi...
Monitoring Celery in Production-拾光赋

Monitoring Celery in Production

Monitoring Celery in Production,How can you determine if your Celery queues are healthy or overwhelmed with tasks? Anything from sudden surges of user traffic to abuse of your app ...
Celery worker | Tutorial on how to set up with Flask & Redis-拾光赋

Celery worker | Tutorial on how to set up with Flask & Redis

Celery worker | Tutorial on how to set up with Flask & Redis,This tutorial was originally posted on SigNoz Blog and is written by Ezz. Celery worker is a simple, flexible, and...
Working with Multiple Celery Queues in Django-拾光赋

Working with Multiple Celery Queues in Django

Working with Multiple Celery Queues in Django,Celery is an asynchronous task queue system based on distributed message passing. It allows developers to execute background jobs conc...
Debouncing a Celery task-拾光赋

Debouncing a Celery task

Debouncing a Celery task,Celery is a powerful task queue with many great features already built-in. Unfortunately, debouncing tasks is not one of them (or I didn't find it in the d...
Messaging System with Flask App and RabbitMQ/Celery for Email Handling-拾光赋

Messaging System with Flask App and RabbitMQ/Celery for Email Handling

Messaging System with Flask App and RabbitMQ/Celery for Email Handling , Overview Welcome to the Messaging System!. This system is designed to handle two main tasks: sending emails...
Deploying FastAPI, PostgreSQL, Celery & Redis on Render - FastAPI Beyond CRUD (Part 23)-拾光赋

Deploying FastAPI, PostgreSQL, Celery & Redis on Render – FastAPI Beyond CRUD (Part 23)

Deploying FastAPI, PostgreSQL, Celery & Redis on Render - FastAPI Beyond CRUD (Part 23),In this video, we’ll walk through deploying a FastAPI application on Render: This applicati...
The only Celery & Django Tutorial you need-拾光赋

The only Celery & Django Tutorial you need

The only Celery & Django Tutorial you need,In my life, I watched a lot of tutorials about Celery & Django configuration but I was always getting some errors. Today I am gonna s...
Setting Up Celery for Your Django Project on Ubuntu Server: A Comprehensive Guide-拾光赋

Setting Up Celery for Your Django Project on Ubuntu Server: A Comprehensive Guide

Setting Up Celery for Your Django Project on Ubuntu Server: A Comprehensive Guide,In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of configuring Celery, a distributed task que...
Python, Celery, Kubernetes, and Memory-拾光赋

Python, Celery, Kubernetes, and Memory

Python, Celery, Kubernetes, and Memory,I've been thinking about Python and Kubernetes and long-lived pods (such as celery workers); and I have some questions and thoughts. When you...
How do I measure the execution time of Celery tasks?-拾光赋

How do I measure the execution time of Celery tasks?

How do I measure the execution time of Celery tasks?, Building blocks collection (2 Part Series) 1 Isolate code blocks from each other? 2 How do I measure the execution time of Cel...