Celery with Django in production-拾光赋

Celery with Django in production

Celery with Django in production,0. Background 1. Create the dedicated user and group 2. Create the celery configuration file 3. Create the systemd file 4. Restart the server 5. Re...
Deploying FastAPI, PostgreSQL, Celery & Redis on Render - FastAPI Beyond CRUD (Part 23)-拾光赋

Deploying FastAPI, PostgreSQL, Celery & Redis on Render – FastAPI Beyond CRUD (Part 23)

Deploying FastAPI, PostgreSQL, Celery & Redis on Render - FastAPI Beyond CRUD (Part 23),In this video, we’ll walk through deploying a FastAPI application on Render: This applicati...
Celery, A Must Learn Technology for Python Developers-拾光赋

Celery, A Must Learn Technology for Python Developers

Celery, A Must Learn Technology for Python Developers,Here I am trying to cover celery in python we need to understand before the use of celery. What is celery? Celery is one packa...
Entendendo Task Queue com Django, Celery e RabbitMQ-拾光赋

Entendendo Task Queue com Django, Celery e RabbitMQ

Entendendo Task Queue com Django, Celery e RabbitMQ, Sumário Introdução sobre task queue Entendendo o que é celery e rabbitmq Estudo de caso com django Criando a Api com DRF se...
Configuring The Celery App-拾光赋

Configuring The Celery App

Configuring The Celery App,This post is the 2nd of a multipart series on Celery, find the first one here Introduction to Celery In this post we'll explore Celery configurations and...
Kerground - A simple background worker-拾光赋

Kerground – A simple background worker

Kerground - A simple background worker,A background worker is used when you have a task that takes more than a few seconds to execute. Instead of letting the user wait for that tas...
Ensuring Fair Processing with Celery — Part I-拾光赋

Ensuring Fair Processing with Celery — Part I

Ensuring Fair Processing with Celery — Part I, Ensuring Fair Processing with Celery (2 Part Series) 1 Ensuring Fair Processing with Celery — Part I 2 Ensuring Fair Processing wit...
Dev Blog - Celery Operator - Part 1 - Initial Design-拾光赋

Dev Blog – Celery Operator – Part 1 – Initial Design

Dev Blog - Celery Operator - Part 1 - Initial Design,This is the first part of my development blog in celery operator. Here is the disclaimer. This operator is purely my personal l...
The only Celery & Django Tutorial you need-拾光赋

The only Celery & Django Tutorial you need

The only Celery & Django Tutorial you need,In my life, I watched a lot of tutorials about Celery & Django configuration but I was always getting some errors. Today I am gonna s...
How to Do Periodic Tasks in a Django REST API Using Celery and Redis? - A Beginner-Friendly Guide-拾光赋

How to Do Periodic Tasks in a Django REST API Using Celery and Redis? – A Beginner-Friendly Guide

How to Do Periodic Tasks in a Django REST API Using Celery and Redis? - A Beginner-Friendly Guide, Building a Weather Predictor for Absolute Beginners (2 Part Series) 1 How to Do P...
The Curious Case of Celery Work-flows-拾光赋

The Curious Case of Celery Work-flows

The Curious Case of Celery Work-flows,Hello Community, While most humans would take a break, I decided to skip rest and spend the next few hours (on a Saturday) discussing the impl...
Ensuring Fair Processing with Celery - Part II-拾光赋

Ensuring Fair Processing with Celery – Part II

Ensuring Fair Processing with Celery - Part II, Ensuring Fair Processing with Celery (2 Part Series) 1 Ensuring Fair Processing with Celery — Part I 2 Ensuring Fair Processing wit...