AWS CDK tips and tricks for developers
AWS CDK tips and tricks for developers, The AWS CDK is for most of the people I interact with the first-time developers who get to write Infrastructure as Code in a proper programm...
Sports Data Backup – DynamoDB, ECS, AWS MediaConvert & EventBridge
Sports Data Backup - DynamoDB, ECS, AWS MediaConvert & EventBridge,Introduction Managing and processing sports data efficiently requires a robust and scalable infrastructure. This ...
Getting Started with AWS SageMaker: Train and Deploy a Model in the Cloud for Cybersecurity Threat Detection (Part 2)
Getting Started with AWS SageMaker: Train and Deploy a Model in the Cloud for Cybersecurity Threat Detection (Part 2), Welcome Back! You’ve made it this far—great job! So far in ...
Lambda function with GraalVM Native Image – Part 5 Measuring cold and warm starts with GraalVM 23
Lambda function with GraalVM Native Image - Part 5 Measuring cold and warm starts with GraalVM 23, AWSLambdaWithGraalVMNativeImage (5 Part Series) 1 Lambda function with GraalVM Na...
Deploying a Number Classification API on AWS Lambda + API Gateway using Zappa
Deploying a Number Classification API on AWS Lambda + API Gateway using Zappa, Overview This project is a Flask-based API that provides interesting mathematical properties of a giv...
Getting Started with AWS SageMaker: Train and Deploy a Model in the Cloud for Cybersecurity Threat Detection (Part 1)
Getting Started with AWS SageMaker: Train and Deploy a Model in the Cloud for Cybersecurity Threat Detection (Part 1), Introduction Why AWS SageMaker? Cyber threats are growing mor...
Deploying a Flask API on AWS EC2 with Nginx & Gunicorn: My Journey from Zero to Production
Deploying a Flask API on AWS EC2 with Nginx & Gunicorn: My Journey from Zero to Production, The Beginning: A Daunting Challenge If you had told me a few months ago that I’d be dep...
Building a Real-Time NBA Game Day Notification System with AWS and Terraform
Building a Real-Time NBA Game Day Notification System with AWS and Terraform,Imagine getting real-time NBA game updates delivered straight to your phone or email without lifting a ...
Escalando api de mil usuários para um milhão
Escalando api de mil usuários para um milhão,Escalar uma API de 1k para 1M de usuários pode parecer um desafio e tanto, mas não precisa ser um bicho de sete cabeças! No meu no...
Game Highlights Processor with AWS, Docker & Terraform.
Game Highlights Processor with AWS, Docker & Terraform.,This project builds on our previous NCAA game highlight processing pipeline (link below), which used a deployment script. We...
How I Hosted My Static Website on Amazon S3 Using the AWS Console
How I Hosted My Static Website on Amazon S3 Using the AWS Console,As I continue learning cloud computing and getting hands-on with AWS, I decided to host a simple static website us...
AWS Lambda RIC – Runtime interface Client
AWS Lambda RIC - Runtime interface Client, Why did we choose lambda ric ? Docker images can handle larger deployments (up to 10GB) Perfect for bundling extensive resources like opa...