Python + Flask + Selenium + Chromedriver + Lightsail + SSL-拾光赋

Python + Flask + Selenium + Chromedriver + Lightsail + SSL

Python + Flask + Selenium + Chromedriver + Lightsail + SSL, 1. Secure the server # edit the configuration file sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config # set these lines, if not already set ...
How I manage credentials in Python using AWS Secrets Manager-拾光赋

How I manage credentials in Python using AWS Secrets Manager

How I manage credentials in Python using AWS Secrets Manager,A platform-agnostic way of accessing credentials in Python. Photo credits | Branded content disclosure Even t...
How to apply AWS EC2 with Boto3 & Python - Part 2-拾光赋

How to apply AWS EC2 with Boto3 & Python – Part 2

How to apply AWS EC2 with Boto3 & Python - Part 2, KCDChennai Blog (24 Part Series) 1 Main function in Python 2 What is Bicep? ... 20 more parts... 3 How to create an EC2 instance ...
Upload files to AWS S3 using Python-拾光赋

Upload files to AWS S3 using Python

Upload files to AWS S3 using Python,Hi, guys in this blog I'm going to share how you can upload files to AWS S3 using Python. Before getting started make sure that you have got the...
How to stop Three specific EC2 Instances with Python script using boto3-拾光赋

How to stop Three specific EC2 Instances with Python script using boto3

How to stop Three specific EC2 Instances with Python script using boto3, Boto3 is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python. It supports all current A...
Facial Analysis with Python and Amazon Rekognition-拾光赋

Facial Analysis with Python and Amazon Rekognition

Facial Analysis with Python and Amazon Rekognition,Cameras are getting smarter, they're changing how we manufacture goods, how we drive our cars and even, for good or bad, how surv...
Deploy A Flask App On AWS EC2-拾光赋

Deploy A Flask App On AWS EC2

Deploy A Flask App On AWS EC2,Flask is a web framework for python, meaning that it provides a simple interface for dynamically generating responses to web requests. Let’s start by...
Container Images for AWS Lambda with Python-拾光赋

Container Images for AWS Lambda with Python

Container Images for AWS Lambda with Python,One of the best things about AWS Lambda is the variety of ways that you can create a serverless function. For example, you can dive righ...
#ACloudGuru ElastiCache Challenge-拾光赋

#ACloudGuru ElastiCache Challenge

#ACloudGuru ElastiCache Challenge, ACloudGuru ElastiCache Challenge I decided to take this challenge when I saw that they released it, because I am planning on writing my AWS Devel...
DynamoDB TTL-拾光赋

DynamoDB TTL

DynamoDB TTL,Vamos a utilizar DynamoDB para el manejo de la sesión de una aplicación Web en Python. Lo primero que debemos hacer es crear la tabla en la cual vamos a tener los da...
Maps with GeoPandas – Tweeting from a lambda-拾光赋

Maps with GeoPandas – Tweeting from a lambda

Maps with GeoPandas – Tweeting from a lambda, Tweeting from an AWS Lambda (6 Part Series) 1 Configuring Twitter, AWS and GitHub – Tweeting from a lambda 2 Programming the lambda ...
I need help for some code optimization while using lambda-拾光赋

I need help for some code optimization while using lambda

I need help for some code optimization while using lambda,I need help for some code optimization while using lambda. I am using a dockerized lambda(i.e. lambda using a container im...