Spring Boot 3 application on AWS Lambda – Part 14 Measuring cold and warm starts with GraalVM Native Image and memory settings
Spring Boot 3 application on AWS Lambda - Part 14 Measuring cold and warm starts with GraalVM Native Image and memory settings, SpringBootOnAWSLambda (14 Part Series) 1 Spring Boot...
How to create, publish and use layers for Java 21 Lambda functions
How to create, publish and use layers for Java 21 Lambda functions, Introduction As a preparation to the investigation of how the usage of the Lambda layers with Lambda function an...
Backing Up My Logic Pro Projects to AWS S3 (Part 1)
Backing Up My Logic Pro Projects to AWS S3 (Part 1),On a whim, just to play with Python and AWS, I thought of building a script to backup my Logic Pro projects to AWS S3. The premi...
Provisioning Lambda Docker Images with AWS CDK (Python)
Provisioning Lambda Docker Images with AWS CDK (Python),This is Part 1 of a two-part post. In this part, I will cover provisioning the lambda docker image, and in the next part, I ...
How Much Automation is Too Much Automation in ETL
How Much Automation is Too Much Automation in ETL,Automation in the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipeline is a double-edged sword. On one side, it saves us from tedious, repetiti...
Converting Word to PDF Using A Python-Based Lambda
Converting Word to PDF Using A Python-Based Lambda, The Mission TL;DR or: abort mission I was recently put on a new assignment that makes heavy use of AWS for, among other things, ...
Building an OCR service with Amazon Textract and AWS Lambda
Building an OCR service with Amazon Textract and AWS Lambda,This article was originally written by Muhammed Ali on the Honeybadger Developer Blog. Are you looking for a good way to...
Comprehensive Guide to Amazon Rekognition: Features, Benefits, Use Cases, and Alternatives
Comprehensive Guide to Amazon Rekognition: Features, Benefits, Use Cases, and Alternatives,This guide will delve into the core features of Amazon Rekognition, explore the myriad be...
Trabaje con sus datos en tiempo real usando Langchain
Trabaje con sus datos en tiempo real usando Langchain, Dev.to Linkedin GitHub Twitter Instagram Youtube Linktr Blog original: Working With Your Live Data Using LangChain Cuando se ...
Automate JIRA Ticket Updates with Slack Reactions
Automate JIRA Ticket Updates with Slack Reactions,Tired of Manually Updating JIRA Tickets? Let Slack Reactions Do It for You! On-call engineers already have enough on their plate—...
Migrating an Springboot Java API: Part 4 – Azure Release
Migrating an Springboot Java API: Part 4 - Azure Release, Migrating an Springboot Java API (4 Part Series) 1 Migrating an Springboot Java API: Part 1 - Docker 2 Migrating an Spring...
Introducing the Skyboy App
Introducing the Skyboy App, Skyboy is live! It is with a great deal of satisfaction that I can introduce my latest coding/cloud/hobby project, the Skyboy App! Skyboy is an FPV quad...