Update from old Java version to OpenJDK 16 windows-拾光赋

Update from old Java version to OpenJDK 16 windows

Update from old Java version to OpenJDK 16 windows, Hwlo There!!!! So do you want to update your JAVA/JDK version for whatsoever reason? This is the right place!!!! So I will teach...
Setting up a Python Virtual Environment in Windows-拾光赋

Setting up a Python Virtual Environment in Windows

Setting up a Python Virtual Environment in Windows, Introduction Python, like most other modern programming languages, has its own unique way of downloading, storing, and resolving...
[Python] Take Screenshot every 1 minute-拾光赋

[Python] Take Screenshot every 1 minute

[Python] Take Screenshot every 1 minute,Tool that takes screenshots and extracts information from your computer every 1 minute, running in the background. Repository: https://githu...
Using PyYaml to support YAML and JSON configuration files in your CLI tools-拾光赋

Using PyYaml to support YAML and JSON configuration files in your CLI tools

Using PyYaml to support YAML and JSON configuration files in your CLI tools,In 2019, I wrote the wslrun tool as a proof of concept for a testing framework (i.e. for git hooks, loca...
Open all your job related apps with one click.-拾光赋

Open all your job related apps with one click.

Open all your job related apps with one click.,Don't let the word tkinter fool you, this is what the apps main page looks like. This is the group edit page. what does it do. Allows...
How to make the best of a slow machine running on limited resources with a Windows environment as a Java Engineer-拾光赋

How to make the best of a slow machine running on limited resources with a Windows environment as a Java Engineer

How to make the best of a slow machine running on limited resources with a Windows environment as a Java Engineer,So this is the question. Let's think about this. When we get into ...
Why I Didn't Install Python from the Microsoft Store-拾光赋

Why I Didn’t Install Python from the Microsoft Store

Why I Didn't Install Python from the Microsoft Store,I am a big Python fan! So, please do not stop me from installing Python on Windows. As far as I know, we have two ways of doing...
How to Create a Python Virtual Environment in Windows and Linux-拾光赋

How to Create a Python Virtual Environment in Windows and Linux

How to Create a Python Virtual Environment in Windows and Linux,A virtual environment is a tool that allows you to create isolated Python environments. Think of your computer as a ...
Install OpenJDK (Free Java): Multi OS Guide-拾光赋

Install OpenJDK (Free Java): Multi OS Guide

Install OpenJDK (Free Java): Multi OS Guide, Intro In a nutshell, there are two coexisting branches of Java: the proprietary, closed-source Oracle Java and the community-maintained...
Manipulating an Excel file with Python-拾光赋

Manipulating an Excel file with Python

Manipulating an Excel file with Python,It's one of those things that sound easy but hardly are. There are a lot of libraries and solutions out there that enable you to manipulate E...


NetDisco, Presentation: A versatile app designed for both Windows and Linux platforms. This tool efficiently scans the LAN network, displaying detailed information such as IP addre...
Making a Windows Python Application to Manage Linux Ansible-拾光赋

Making a Windows Python Application to Manage Linux Ansible

Making a Windows Python Application to Manage Linux Ansible, Introduction Purpose The purpose of this project is to control a Linux Ansible controller through Windows. Idea incepti...