How to Handle the Socket Exception in Java
How to Handle the Socket Exception in Java,Java is a powerful and secure programming language used by developers in web development, and app development. Being a programming langua...
7 Best VS Code Extensions for Python Developers
7 Best VS Code Extensions for Python Developers, Introduction Visual Studio Code (VS Code) has become a popular choice for Python developers due to its flexibility, extensibility, ...
Enhance Your Productivity with Code-Snippets in VSCode
Enhance Your Productivity with Code-Snippets in VSCode,I've been using a lot of Python27 recently and since there's no f-strings in it, I have to write a lot of code like this for ...
Debugging Python Apps in VSCode
Debugging Python Apps in VSCode,Debugging is an essential part of software development. It can be a time-consuming and frustrating process. There is nothing wrong with putting prin...
Improve application performance: How to find and fix slow function calls, HTTP requests, and SQL queries
Improve application performance: How to find and fix slow function calls, HTTP requests, and SQL queries,Runtime analysis is the latest and greatest way for developers to find, fla...
First python program
First python program,This is my first python program ever. I wrote this program as part of a portfolio project required in the codecademy course. This is a basic Hangman game (with...
Introducing Flame graphs: It’s getting hot in here
Introducing Flame graphs: It’s getting hot in here,Flame graphs help developers identify code bottlenecks and understand code execution patterns, so we’re excited to announce the...
java.io.FileNotFoundException: on Visual Studio Code maven project.
java.io.FileNotFoundException: on Visual Studio Code maven project.,Hello! I try to create file with java.io.FileOutputStream on visual studio code. Below is the sample code. File ...
JSTL extension for snippets suggestions
JSTL extension for snippets suggestions,Vscode is the favourite text editor for most developers. It's extensions make it life easier for developers. But a thing i experienced while...
VSCode Java Extension Pack Auto Config
VSCode Java Extension Pack Auto Config,@openvsx tweet Tired of manually installing and configuring JDKs for your Java projects? Try the Java Extension Pack JDK Auto extension by @w...
20 Essential Python Extensions for Visual Studio Code
20 Essential Python Extensions for Visual Studio Code,Visual Studio Code has become popular among Python developers due to its versatility and extensibility. By leveraging the powe...
Python and Visual Studio Code on Windows 10.
Python and Visual Studio Code on Windows 10.,GitHub: Salah Ud Din - 4yub1k Goals: Download the Python setup. Install Python. Download the VScode setup. Install VScode. Install the ...