Developing 10x faster with a Surface Go, thanks to VS Code and Azure
Developing 10x faster with a Surface Go, thanks to VS Code and Azure,As developers we always seek to have the most efficient environment, and that often means buying a high-end lap...
Prospector on Visual Studio Code
Prospector on Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Code plugin for Prospector As part of my efforts to improve Prospector's integration with popular IDEs, I created a Visual Studio Co...
VSCode extensions are not removed from file system even after uninstalling, I created a solution !
VSCode extensions are not removed from file system even after uninstalling, I created a solution !,So this is a problem with vscode based editors. Even after you uninstall a extens...
Terminal message: “bash: syntax error near unexpected token ‘&’ in Visual Studio Code”
Terminal message: 'bash: syntax error near unexpected token '&' in Visual Studio Code',The reason you arrived at this page, is caused very likely, you are hampered by the fact, Vis...
ChatGPT for Coding in VsCode
ChatGPT for Coding in VsCode,Many coders will hightlight the use of ChatGPT for coding today, with the rise of Artificial Intelligence tools: read here. Following these simple step...
Vscode linters for react.js and python
Vscode linters for react.js and python,Most of the team at The Neon Project (included me) uses Visual Studio Code as a favourite editor to code. In this post, I tell you a bit abou...
Top 10 VSCode Extensions for More Productive Python Development
Top 10 VSCode Extensions for More Productive Python Development, Python (Microsoft) The obvious one: Make VSCode speak Python with Microsoft's Python extension Python Extension Pyt...
Configure Python Formatter and Linter for a VSCode Dev Container
Configure Python Formatter and Linter for a VSCode Dev Container, tl;dr Code example here: Gist of only devcontainer.json Full Example Repo – I recommend cloning and opening with ...
Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Creativity….!!!!!
Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Creativity....!!!!!,Hello DEV Community! As a technologist and creative thinker, I've always been fascinated by the ways in which techn...
Best VsCode extensions for Python Developers
Best VsCode extensions for Python Developers, Developer road posts (8 Part Series) 1 🧠 Tutorial: Understand Virtual environments in Python 2 What is Django, and why you should u...
Python Development in VSCode Using Devcontainer
Python Development in VSCode Using Devcontainer, vscode (4 Part Series) 1 Python Development in VSCode Using Devcontainer 2 How to Increase the Scrollback Buffer in VSCode Terminal...
VSCode – Let’s do some Face Recognition with 20 lines in Python (3/N)
VSCode – Let’s do some Face Recognition with 20 lines in Python (3/N), 原文链接:VSCode – Let’s do some Face Recognition with 20 lines in Python (3/N)