Developing 10x faster with a Surface Go, thanks to VS Code and Azure-拾光赋

Developing 10x faster with a Surface Go, thanks to VS Code and Azure

Developing 10x faster with a Surface Go, thanks to VS Code and Azure,As developers we always seek to have the most efficient environment, and that often means buying a high-end lap...
Prospector on Visual Studio Code-拾光赋

Prospector on Visual Studio Code

Prospector on Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Code plugin for Prospector As part of my efforts to improve Prospector's integration with popular IDEs, I created a Visual Studio Co...
VSCode extensions are not removed from file system even after uninstalling, I created a solution !-拾光赋

VSCode extensions are not removed from file system even after uninstalling, I created a solution !

VSCode extensions are not removed from file system even after uninstalling, I created a solution !,So this is a problem with vscode based editors. Even after you uninstall a extens...
Terminal message:

Terminal message: “bash: syntax error near unexpected token ‘&’ in Visual Studio Code”

Terminal message: 'bash: syntax error near unexpected token '&' in Visual Studio Code',The reason you arrived at this page, is caused very likely, you are hampered by the fact, Vis...
ChatGPT for Coding in VsCode-拾光赋

ChatGPT for Coding in VsCode

ChatGPT for Coding in VsCode,Many coders will hightlight the use of ChatGPT for coding today, with the rise of Artificial Intelligence tools: read here. Following these simple step...
Vscode linters for react.js and python-拾光赋

Vscode linters for react.js and python

Vscode linters for react.js and python,Most of the team at The Neon Project (included me) uses Visual Studio Code as a favourite editor to code. In this post, I tell you a bit abou...
Top 10 VSCode Extensions for More Productive Python Development-拾光赋

Top 10 VSCode Extensions for More Productive Python Development

Top 10 VSCode Extensions for More Productive Python Development, Python (Microsoft) The obvious one: Make VSCode speak Python with Microsoft's Python extension Python Extension Pyt...
Configure Python Formatter and Linter for a VSCode Dev Container-拾光赋

Configure Python Formatter and Linter for a VSCode Dev Container

Configure Python Formatter and Linter for a VSCode Dev Container, tl;dr Code example here: Gist of only devcontainer.json Full Example Repo – I recommend cloning and opening with ...
Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Creativity....!!!!!-拾光赋

Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Creativity….!!!!!

Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Creativity....!!!!!,Hello DEV Community! As a technologist and creative thinker, I've always been fascinated by the ways in which techn...
‍Best VsCode extensions for Python Developers-拾光赋

‍Best VsCode extensions for Python Developers

‍Best VsCode extensions for Python Developers, Developer road posts (8 Part Series) 1 🧠 Tutorial: Understand Virtual environments in Python 2 What is Django, and why you should u...
Python Development in VSCode Using Devcontainer-拾光赋

Python Development in VSCode Using Devcontainer

Python Development in VSCode Using Devcontainer, vscode (4 Part Series) 1 Python Development in VSCode Using Devcontainer 2 How to Increase the Scrollback Buffer in VSCode Terminal...
VSCode – Let’s do some Face Recognition with 20 lines in Python (3/N)-拾光赋

VSCode – Let’s do some Face Recognition with 20 lines in Python (3/N)

VSCode – Let’s do some Face Recognition with 20 lines in Python (3/N), 原文链接:VSCode – Let’s do some Face Recognition with 20 lines in Python (3/N)