How to install Python Libraries in Visual Studio Code
How to install Python Libraries in Visual Studio Code,Python libraries are essential tools for developers. They contain pre-built code (functions and modules), making coding easier...
The Best IDEs for Java Development: A Comparative Analysis
The Best IDEs for Java Development: A Comparative Analysis, Choosing the Right Java IDE: A Comparative Analysis Java, one of the most popular programming languages, has a variety o...
Mastering Java Development in Visual Studio Code
Mastering Java Development in Visual Studio Code,Hey Devs! If you're diving into Java development using Visual Studio Code, here are ten key things you need to know to kickstart yo...
Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Creativity….!!!!!
Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Creativity....!!!!!,Hello DEV Community! As a technologist and creative thinker, I've always been fascinated by the ways in which techn...
5 Effective VS Code Tips for Python Developers!
5 Effective VS Code Tips for Python Developers! ,A good setup not only streamlines your workflow but also boosts productivity, making the coding journey an exhilarating and enjoyab...
“Unable to Open IPYNB… Bad Control…” Fix
'Unable to Open IPYNB... Bad Control...' Fix, TOC Problem Statement Solution A Tip on How to Search for Errors Bonus - autoreload Outro Problem Statement When you finish working on...
PVS-Studio extension for Visual Studio Code: searching for errors in Java code
PVS-Studio extension for Visual Studio Code: searching for errors in Java code,Are you a Java developer and prefer to work in VS Code? Good news! Now you can enhance code safety wi...
Cursor.sh – a competitor to GitHub CoPilot
Cursor.sh - a competitor to GitHub CoPilot,~ 2 month ago I came across Cursor.sh, 'The AI-first Code Editor'. — 'Why would anyone create yet another editor?' was my first thought....
How to debug Django inside a Docker container with VSCode
How to debug Django inside a Docker container with VSCode,“If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.” ― Napoleon Bonaparte This tutorial is valid for these platforms: Linux...
An alternative way to debug your Python code
An alternative way to debug your Python code, Rich Exception Python developers use print(variable_foobar) or debugging feature of IDE such as VS Code to troubleshoot, but aren't th...
How to Modernize Java Development Environment using VS Code and WSL2 to Improve Productivity
How to Modernize Java Development Environment using VS Code and WSL2 to Improve Productivity,Since 2007, I’ve been writing Java code in Eclipse. Eclipse is a pretty solid IDE for ...
Top 10 must-have VSCode extensions forPythonistas
Top 10 must-have VSCode extensions forPythonistas, TL;DR For Python developers, data scientists and analysts, using VSCode, this compilation provides some extensions to elevate you...