Auto-build and dynamic deployment with IntelliJ and TomEE-拾光赋

Auto-build and dynamic deployment with IntelliJ and TomEE

Auto-build and dynamic deployment with IntelliJ and TomEE,Hello I would like to share a quick tip with you about how to configure a live reload and recompilation of your code chang...
A Beginner’s Guide to Object Detection in Python-拾光赋

A Beginner’s Guide to Object Detection in Python

A Beginner’s Guide to Object Detection in Python,Object detection is one of the most exciting areas in computer vision, allowing machines to recognize and locate objects in images...
Core Concepts behind Java OOP-拾光赋

Core Concepts behind Java OOP

Core Concepts behind Java OOP, [Java WIL🤔#1] I am reviewing for an Oracle Java Certification exam and decided to run through the documentation of Java's Nuts and Bolts. Check out ...
How to connect to AWS OpenSearch or Elasticsearch clusters using python-拾光赋

How to connect to AWS OpenSearch or Elasticsearch clusters using python

How to connect to AWS OpenSearch or Elasticsearch clusters using python,Connecting to an OpenSearch (ES) service running in AWS using Python is painful. Most examples I find online...
Padrões DAO e Repository-拾光赋

Padrões DAO e Repository

Padrões DAO e Repository,O padrão DAO (Data Access Object ou, em pt-BR, Objeto de Acesso a Dados), é uma abstração de persistência de dados e é considerado próximo da camad...
Tech News and Opinions about Python-拾光赋

Tech News and Opinions about Python

Tech News and Opinions about Python,Disclaimer: I don't hate Python. I'm studying it over at Exercism. The opinions of the writer and commentators of the quoted article are their o...
Understanding Python Dependency Management using pideptree-拾光赋

Understanding Python Dependency Management using pideptree

Understanding Python Dependency Management using pideptree, Learning about tree-based dependency management for a team project developed in Python using pipdeptree Dependency manag...
Jupyter Notebook Cheat Sheet-拾光赋

Jupyter Notebook Cheat Sheet

Jupyter Notebook Cheat Sheet, Jupyter Notebook Cheat Sheet Hello guys, happy to be back to another post! Today i will talk about something useful and not at all complex. It's more ...
Python: Standard library-拾光赋

Python: Standard library

Python: Standard library, Python: Standard library Python, like all languages ships with an extended amount of modules/packages you can use. I'm always surprised how much is built ...
How to clear screen in python terminal-拾光赋

How to clear screen in python terminal

How to clear screen in python terminal,Originally posted on my blog. When working with the python interactive shell, you may end up having a cluttered screen. For Windows and Linux...
Python: Pattern Matching Proposal-拾光赋

Python: Pattern Matching Proposal

Python: Pattern Matching Proposal,As you Python language keeps evolving every time and adding new features and proposals. This time Python will be introducing pattern matching i.e....
Garbage Collector Python-拾光赋

Garbage Collector Python

Garbage Collector Python, Learning (13 Part Series) 1 SQL Basics for Beginners 2 try: except: The most popular questions ... 9 more parts... 3 Basic Python for Beginners 4 Version ...