Testing sign-up with real emails - Selenium Java email API tutorial (with examples)-拾光赋

Testing sign-up with real emails – Selenium Java email API tutorial (with examples)

Testing sign-up with real emails - Selenium Java email API tutorial (with examples),Selenium is a powerful browser testing framework. This article will show you how to use real ema...
Parallel Testing: The Essential Guide-拾光赋

Parallel Testing: The Essential Guide

Parallel Testing: The Essential Guide, Parallel Testing: The Essential Guide With more and more software engineering teams gravitating to the CI/CD model, the onus to reduce the ti...
[Básico] Teste unitários em Java-拾光赋

[Básico] Teste unitários em Java

[Básico] Teste unitários em Java,Neste tutorial, explicarei como criar testes unitários em Java usando o framework de teste JUnit. Antes de começar, você precisará instalar o...
Automate Unit Testing with Cover-Agent: The Latest Innovation from CodiumAI-拾光赋

Automate Unit Testing with Cover-Agent: The Latest Innovation from CodiumAI

Automate Unit Testing with Cover-Agent: The Latest Innovation from CodiumAI, Have you ever felt like writing unit tests is the coding equivalent of washing the dishes? Have you tho...
Better Page Objects strategy using AjaxElementLocatorFactory with Selenium and Java-拾光赋

Better Page Objects strategy using AjaxElementLocatorFactory with Selenium and Java

Better Page Objects strategy using AjaxElementLocatorFactory with Selenium and Java, Introduction Page Objects Model is a Testing Pattern created by Selenium WebDriver to better mo...
JUnit Cómo parametrizar un test-拾光赋

JUnit Cómo parametrizar un test

JUnit Cómo parametrizar un test, Testing (3 Part Series) 1 JUnit: Cómo ejecutar un test N iteraciones 2 JUnit Cómo parametrizar un test 3 JUnit Cómo repetir un test con paráme...
Patron de pruebas automatizadas Screenplay-拾光赋

Patron de pruebas automatizadas Screenplay

Patron de pruebas automatizadas Screenplay,Antes de hablar del patron Screenplay, me gustaría definir que es un patron de pruebas automatizadas, para aquellos que no se encuentren...
Running Your First Robot Framework Test-拾光赋

Running Your First Robot Framework Test

Running Your First Robot Framework Test, Test Automation With Robot Framework (4 Part Series) 1 Test Automation with Robot Framework 2 Running Your First Robot Framework Test 3 Web...
Playwright with Cucumber/JUnit 5 - Feature File-拾光赋

Playwright with Cucumber/JUnit 5 – Feature File

Playwright with Cucumber/JUnit 5 - Feature File, Playwright with Cucumber/JUnit 5 (8 Part Series) 1 Playwright with Cucumber/JUnit 5 - Intro 2 Playwright with Cucumber/JUnit 5 - Ma...
Testing Microservices with Skyramp in IntelliJ IDEA-拾光赋

Testing Microservices with Skyramp in IntelliJ IDEA

Testing Microservices with Skyramp in IntelliJ IDEA,When we say Skyramp meets devs in any workflow, we mean it. Do you develop distributed apps with Java and IntelliJ IDEA? This ne...
Any advanced alternative to unitest.mock.ANY?-拾光赋

Any advanced alternative to unitest.mock.ANY?

Any advanced alternative to unitest.mock.ANY?,I hope for the comment from somebody with a tool or the technique on how to assert on container structures in a readable way. Here is ...
How to enable JUnit 5 in new Spring Boot project-拾光赋

How to enable JUnit 5 in new Spring Boot project

How to enable JUnit 5 in new Spring Boot project,This post was originally posted on Medium. In this article, we will learn how to enable JUnit 5 in a newly created Spring Boot proj...