Cleaning Up Unused ENIs On AWS
Cleaning Up Unused ENIs On AWS,Running out of IP addresses in your subnets is a real issue that most teams face these days. Most of the times those IPs are reserved but unused! Thi...
Deploy Jupyter Notebook to AWS Lambda
Deploy Jupyter Notebook to AWS Lambda, GitHub More often, I find myself opening Jupyter Notebook when facing a math or algorithmic problem. Maybe it is also true for you. At first,...
How to build an Azure Function for checking available names across Azure resources
How to build an Azure Function for checking available names across Azure resources, Introduction In a previous post we've looked at a Python script to query available names across ...
Let’s try CDKTF (with Python)
Let's try CDKTF (with Python), IaC (4 Part Series) 1 Let's try CDKTF (with Python) 2 Terraform Modules: A Practical Guide 3 Tfenv to handle different versions of Terraform 4 Github...
Infrastructure Diagrams as Code
Infrastructure Diagrams as Code,Diagrams are playing one of the major role in software development, Architecture development and Cloud infrastructure building. This python package ...
Create your next s3 Bucket with AWS CDK and Terraform
Create your next s3 Bucket with AWS CDK and Terraform,What do you think of using your preferred programming language to provision your infrastructure? AWS CDK (Cloud Development Ki...
Deploying container to list EC2 instances in a region + Infra creation on AWS using terraform + Using free domain for testing
Deploying container to list EC2 instances in a region + Infra creation on AWS using terraform + Using free domain for testing,In the post I will explain how to create a docker cont...
My approach building a serverless application that notifies me of gasoline prices
My approach building a serverless application that notifies me of gasoline prices,AWS offers a variety of products to create any application you can think of. With DynamoDB, you ca...
Design Narrative: Event-Driven Python on AWS
Design Narrative: Event-Driven Python on AWS,This article was originally posted on my self-hosted blog on August 10, 2021. The Goal 'Automate an ETL processing pipeline for COVID-1...
Creating an HTTPS Lambda Endpoint without API Gateway
Creating an HTTPS Lambda Endpoint without API Gateway, Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently announced Function URLs, a new in-built feature that allows you to invoke your functions t...
Introducing the Skyboy App
Introducing the Skyboy App, Skyboy is live! It is with a great deal of satisfaction that I can introduce my latest coding/cloud/hobby project, the Skyboy App! Skyboy is an FPV quad...
How to overcome Cloud Run’s 32MB request limit
How to overcome Cloud Run's 32MB request limit,Cloud Run is an awesome serverless product provided by Google Cloud which is often a perfect fit to run containerized web services. I...