Deploy a web app to Azure App Service using Terraform
Deploy a web app to Azure App Service using Terraform,Originally published at deepu.tech. Deploying Java web applications to Azure is easy and has been tried, tested and explained ...
Débusquer les Goulots d’Étranglement Django : Une Analyse Approfondie avec Django-Silk
Débusquer les Goulots d'Étranglement Django : Une Analyse Approfondie avec Django-Silk, Pourquoi la Performance Compte (Et Comment Django-Silk Devient Votre Meilleur Allié) Dans...
Deploy Secure Spring Boot Microservices on Amazon EKS Using Terraform and Kubernetes
Deploy Secure Spring Boot Microservices on Amazon EKS Using Terraform and Kubernetes,Originally published at auth0.com When it comes to infrastructure, public clouds are the most p...
Building a Weather Data Analytics Pipeline with AWS and OpenWeatherMap API
Building a Weather Data Analytics Pipeline with AWS and OpenWeatherMap API,Hey coders! In this blog post, I will walk you through the process of building a weather data analytics p...
Cloud Resume Challenge (AWS)
Cloud Resume Challenge (AWS),Cloud Resume Challenge is a project that helps us learn to use the cloud and some essential tools. You can access the outline of the project here Cloud...
A practical introduction to GitOps
A practical introduction to GitOps,Here is the code base used in this tutorial: https://github.com/SeanOverton/example-gitops-serverless-infra What is GitOps? GitOps is a methodolo...
Terraform for Java developers video series
Terraform for Java developers video series,Terraform is one of those tools that many people talk about, but which can be a bit frightening for a Java developer. There are several r...
Cleaning Up Unused ENIs On AWS
Cleaning Up Unused ENIs On AWS,Running out of IP addresses in your subnets is a real issue that most teams face these days. Most of the times those IPs are reserved but unused! Thi...
Design Narrative: Event-Driven Python on AWS
Design Narrative: Event-Driven Python on AWS,This article was originally posted on my self-hosted blog on August 10, 2021. The Goal 'Automate an ETL processing pipeline for COVID-1...
Infrastructure Diagrams as Code
Infrastructure Diagrams as Code,Diagrams are playing one of the major role in software development, Architecture development and Cloud infrastructure building. This python package ...
How to overcome Cloud Run’s 32MB request limit
How to overcome Cloud Run's 32MB request limit,Cloud Run is an awesome serverless product provided by Google Cloud which is often a perfect fit to run containerized web services. I...
Why Python for DevOps?
Why Python for DevOps?,Python has gained immense popularity over the years as a programming language for automation, scripting, and infrastructure management in the DevOps world. W...