Why Struggle with Software Challenges When Tanzu Can Do the Heavy Lifting?-拾光赋

Why Struggle with Software Challenges When Tanzu Can Do the Heavy Lifting?

Why Struggle with Software Challenges When Tanzu Can Do the Heavy Lifting?,‍‍ Building software is hard, right? Sure, we love writing clean Java or JavaScript code, but it often ...
Identifying a typosquatting attack on

Identifying a typosquatting attack on “requests,” the 4th-most-popular Python package

Identifying a typosquatting attack on 'requests,' the 4th-most-popular Python package,An attacker published a Python package to the PyPI (Python Package Index) registry named reque...
Integrity Check using PGP for JMeter-拾光赋

Integrity Check using PGP for JMeter

Integrity Check using PGP for JMeter,This blog post is kind of back to basics. I have already clearly mentioned downloading JMeter and how to check its integrity using SHA512 algor...
Spring security in a nutshell-拾光赋

Spring security in a nutshell

Spring security in a nutshell,As I embarked on my journey of learning Spring and working on small applications, I developed a keen interest in securing them. That's when I came acr...
When checking your Python package sources matters-拾光赋

When checking your Python package sources matters

When checking your Python package sources matters,In today's article, we will take a look at a small tool called Yorkshire. It's goal is to check configured Python package indexes ...
Spring Cloud Gateway Combined with the Security Practice of OAuth2.0 Protocol-拾光赋

Spring Cloud Gateway Combined with the Security Practice of OAuth2.0 Protocol

Spring Cloud Gateway Combined with the Security Practice of OAuth2.0 Protocol, Overview Spring Cloud Gateway is an API Gateway built on top of the Spring ecosystem. It is built on ...
Spring Security For Beginners — Part 1-拾光赋

Spring Security For Beginners — Part 1

Spring Security For Beginners — Part 1, TL;DR If you’re like me— struggling with Spring Security — how to start or where to start then this is the right place for you. I’ve be...
Why is char[] preferred over String for passwords in Java ?-拾光赋

Why is char[] preferred over String for passwords in Java ?

Why is char[] preferred over String for passwords in Java ?, Java (9 Part Series) 1 What is reflection in Java and why is it useful ? 2 Is Java 'pass-by-reference' or 'pass-by-valu...
Discover Java’s Top 10 Security Features-拾光赋

Discover Java’s Top 10 Security Features

Discover Java’s Top 10 Security Features,Why Use Java? What makes it secure? Java stands out for its focus on security. Over decades, Java has earned a reputation for being a reli...
How to detect your leaking API endpoints using EthicalCheck-拾光赋

How to detect your leaking API endpoints using EthicalCheck

How to detect your leaking API endpoints using EthicalCheck,The purpose of this article is to show AppSec/developers how to get started with API security scanning tool EthicalCheck...
How to Generate RSA Key Using JavaScript and Python-拾光赋

How to Generate RSA Key Using JavaScript and Python

How to Generate RSA Key Using JavaScript and Python,In today’s digital age, ensuring the security of sensitive information is paramount. RSA, one of the most widely used encryptio...
A Very Deep Dive Into Docker Builds-拾光赋

A Very Deep Dive Into Docker Builds

A Very Deep Dive Into Docker Builds,Containers are everywhere. From Kubernetes for orchestrating deployments and simplifing operations to Dev Containers for flexible yet reproducib...