Apparate,Apparate is a command line tool to synchronize HackerRank Submissions with GitHub. I thought about this idea when I wanted to maintain a balance between Competitive Progra...
Setting up a Python Development Environment with and without Docker
Setting up a Python Development Environment with and without Docker,This article was originally posted on Feb 20th 2018 at: https://nickjanetakis.com/blog/setting-up-a-python-devel...
Django transactional emails made easy
Django transactional emails made easy,Transactional emails are an important way to keep users engaged when you're building a community site like Facteroid. It's importation to pay ...
Here’s How I’m Teaching Myself to Code
Here's How I'm Teaching Myself to Code, Up until a year ago if you had asked me what career path I was going to choose in University, I would have said – Neurosurgery. I had openl...
Sugar ORM: An easier way to work with SQLite Databases in Android.
Sugar ORM: An easier way to work with SQLite Databases in Android.,If you have been working with the Android SQLite database for some time now, you would have noticed something: Se...
No Tests – No Pull Request, Right? Types of Tests that Should Be in Your Codebase
No Tests - No Pull Request, Right? Types of Tests that Should Be in Your Codebase,Originally published on my blog: All You Need Is Backend. As the blog post Pull Requests: The Good...
Using better CLIs
Using better CLIs, sobolevn-dotfiles (3 Part Series) 1 Instant +100% command line productivity boost 2 Using better CLIs 3 6 mac apps that fit everyone For people who spend half of...
Intro to Butter Knife for Android views
Intro to Butter Knife for Android views, Butter Knife? Butter knife is a very nice library for Android view injection. Butter knife helps reduce a lot of boilerplate code (e.g repe...
Ultimate Solution to Python Virtual Environments: pyenv + virtualenvwrapper
Ultimate Solution to Python Virtual Environments: pyenv + virtualenvwrapper,(This post was originally published on Siv Scripts) I love using the Command Line; it's my favourite par...
Pull Requests: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Pull Requests: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, 原文链接:Pull Requests: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly