Idaesbasic – An all in one project manager
Idaesbasic - An all in one project manager, What is idaesbasic? There is a brand new project manager avaible, that runs offline, stores everything human readable and is open source...
Automate data entry from PDF to Excel with Python
Automate data entry from PDF to Excel with Python,I will show you today how you can automate the process of importing PDF data into Excel. This can save a lot of time for everyone ...
Secure Upload URLs Buckets with Nitric in Python
Secure Upload URLs Buckets with Nitric in Python, Cloud solutions with Nitric + Python (4 Part Series) 1 Your first Nitric API using Python 2 Creating Bucket (S3) Notifications on ...
⌨ 3 IDE Shortcuts I Use Daily
⌨ 3 IDE Shortcuts I Use Daily, Software Mastery (8 Part Series) 1 2 Tips on Googling Effectively 2 ⌨ 3 IDE Shortcuts I Use Daily ... 4 more parts... 3 How to Learn AWS Services F...
A Collection Of Python Programming Resources For Beginners
A Collection Of Python Programming Resources For Beginners,(Originally published on https://github.com/prahladyeri/CuratedLists/) Python Programming Resources Official docs and oth...
I created timer
I created timer,Hello people i created Rattlefoundation's pomodoro timer.With this timer you can do exercise intervals etc.You can use it as in our website.It is totally secure Tim...
Memory Management using PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF
Memory Management using PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF,Like an orchestra conductor carefully allocating resources to each musician, memory management is the hidden maestro that orchestrat...
Building a Travel Checklist Generator using Lyzr SDK
Building a Travel Checklist Generator using Lyzr SDK,In this blog post, we’ll explore how to build a Travel Checklist Generator using Streamlit, the Lyzr Automata SDK, and OpenAI...
Hydra, the most efficient config handling library for your Python/ML code
Hydra, the most efficient config handling library for your Python/ML code,Improve your python code by using hydra for configuration. Photo by Ferenc Almasi on Unsplash In this tuto...
Compare documents similarity using Python | NLP
Compare documents similarity using Python | NLP,This post cross-published with OnePublish In this post we are going to build a web application which will compare the similarity bet...
Django Dev Journey #4
Django Dev Journey #4,Well well well, it's me again! If you never seen this profile picture before, then, let me introduce myself. My name is Jawdat I'm an indie game developer, an...
Command-line arguments: Part 2
Command-line arguments: Part 2, Command-line arguments (3 Part Series) 1 Command-line arguments: Part 2 2 Python Command line arguments: Part 3 3 Python command-line arguments: Par...