performance 第5页
AWS Lambda performance with Java 21: x86 vs arm64 - Part 1 Initial measurements-拾光赋

AWS Lambda performance with Java 21: x86 vs arm64 – Part 1 Initial measurements

AWS Lambda performance with Java 21: x86 vs arm64 - Part 1 Initial measurements, Introduction Until now I haven't measured the performance (warm and cold start times) of the Lambda...
Connecting to APIs with Python: Synchronous and Asynchronous Approaches-拾光赋

Connecting to APIs with Python: Synchronous and Asynchronous Approaches

Connecting to APIs with Python: Synchronous and Asynchronous Approaches,Working with APIs is a common task for developers, and Python provides a great environment with the right to...
Async/Await vs. Threads: Choosing the Right Approach-拾光赋

Async/Await vs. Threads: Choosing the Right Approach

Async/Await vs. Threads: Choosing the Right Approach,When trying to improve the performance of a program in Python, concurrency is often considered. Choosing the right concurrency ...
gs-fastcopy: get CPU count for upload workers-拾光赋

gs-fastcopy: get CPU count for upload workers

gs-fastcopy: get CPU count for upload workers,See previous post: Introducing gs-fastcopy I shipped the enhancement gs-fastcopy-python#10: Inspect processor count for better upload ...
Introducing gs-fastcopy-拾光赋

Introducing gs-fastcopy

Introducing gs-fastcopy,These days, a single laptop can chomp through gigabytes of data in seconds. So why was it taking ~1.5min to compress & upload 2 GB? Why was it taking ~1...
Improving throughput and latency using Java Virtual Threads in Spring-拾光赋

Improving throughput and latency using Java Virtual Threads in Spring

Improving throughput and latency using Java Virtual Threads in Spring,One of the major changes that Java 21 brought about is Virtual threads. There is so much hype around it, but l...
Performance tests IRIS - PostgreSQL - MySQL using Python-拾光赋

Performance tests IRIS – PostgreSQL – MySQL using Python

Performance tests IRIS - PostgreSQL - MySQL using Python, Performance tests IRIS - PostgreSQL (3 Part Series) 1 Performance tests IRIS - PostgreSQL - MySQL 2 Performance tests IRIS...
How to scale a Django app to serve one million users-拾光赋

How to scale a Django app to serve one million users

How to scale a Django app to serve one million users,Wish your Django app could handle a million hits? This post is a compilation of articles, books, and videos I’ve read on how t...
How to scale a Django application to serve one million users?-拾光赋

How to scale a Django application to serve one million users?

How to scale a Django application to serve one million users?,Wish your Django app could handle a million hits? This post is a compilation of articles, books, and videos I’ve read...
Exploring the Impact of Java Integer Cache on Performance: A JMH Benchmark Study-拾光赋

Exploring the Impact of Java Integer Cache on Performance: A JMH Benchmark Study

Exploring the Impact of Java Integer Cache on Performance: A JMH Benchmark Study,In one of my posts, I made 2 + 2 equal to 5 using Java 21. In summary, the Integer class in Java ha...
JVM Profiling in Action-拾光赋

JVM Profiling in Action

JVM Profiling in Action,Unlocking the full potential Java applications requires a deep understanding of their behavior and performance characteristics. JVM profiling serves as a po...
Leveraging Python's Built-In Decorator for Improved Performance-拾光赋

Leveraging Python’s Built-In Decorator for Improved Performance

Leveraging Python's Built-In Decorator for Improved Performance,In Python, decorators provide a powerful mechanism to modify or enhance the behavior of functions or methods. One pa...