Using Java to Read Really, Really Large Files
Using Java to Read Really, Really Large Files, Introduction Anyone who knows me fairly well in my programming life will know that I’m not as partial to Java. I’m a JavaScript dev...
Every JVM Garbage Collector you should know.
Every JVM Garbage Collector you should know.,In today’s era of cloud-native applications, getting the most out of your application with bare minimum resources has become a new non...
Integrity Check using PGP for JMeter
Integrity Check using PGP for JMeter,This blog post is kind of back to basics. I have already clearly mentioned downloading JMeter and how to check its integrity using SHA512 algor...
GIL “removal” for Python true multi threading
GIL 'removal' for Python true multi threading,Python recently (3.12) has some important performance update that make it faster and better support for multi threading. Source Below ...
10 Simple Ways To Speed Up Your Python Code
10 Simple Ways To Speed Up Your Python Code, Why should you care about your Python code performance? Let's be honest first, you're not using Python in your project because it's a f...
8 Tips & Tricks for Pandas
8 Tips & Tricks for Pandas, 1. Use pandas >= 1.0.0 Performance boosts above this version, so upgrade your package asap 2. Specify the types of the columns when loading csv Save ...
Em busca do código perfeito
Em busca do código perfeito,Uma luz sobre o sobre Object Calisthenics O que é Object Calisthenics? Object Calisthenics é um conjunto de nove regras práticas para melhorar a qua...
Exploring Multithreading in Python: Harnessing Concurrent Power
Exploring Multithreading in Python: Harnessing Concurrent Power,In today's world, where performance and efficiency are crucial, multithreading has become an essential technique for...
When I’m using JMH
When I'm using JMH, What an issue I've tried to solve My task was to investigate the reason why typed enumeration occupies 13 Mb per instance in a customer environment. The typed e...
How much better are python local variables over globals, attributes, or slots?
How much better are python local variables over globals, attributes, or slots?,Alternatively, how much worse are the others compared to local variables? What's the big deal? Some a...
Do You Want to Improve Your Code Quality in Java?
Do You Want to Improve Your Code Quality in Java?, coding_practices (5 Part Series) 1 Is Recursion Worth it? 2 My Personal Experience with Overengineering vs. Under-engineering 3 D...
Speedtest.net on Python!
Speedtest.net on Python!,Most of you are probably familiar with https://speedtest.net, a website that measures the speed of your internet connection and reports your download, uplo...