Clarifying some Misconceptions about Java
Clarifying some Misconceptions about Java,It's important to address common misconceptions about Java. While its platform independence and managed runtime might introduce some overh...
LLM Parallel Processing in Practice: Key Techniques for Performance Enhancement
LLM Parallel Processing in Practice: Key Techniques for Performance Enhancement, Complex LLM Chains Implementation Series (5 Part Series) 1 Building a Cost-Effective Multi-Model Sy...
Notación Big O – Python
Notación Big O - Python, 1. Definición Notación matemática que describe el límite superior del tiempo de ejecución o el uso de espacio de un algoritmo. Se denota como O(f(n))...
Modernizing Java Monoliths for Better Performance with Async and Non-Blocking Architectures
Modernizing Java Monoliths for Better Performance with Async and Non-Blocking Architectures,In a recent project, I modernized an aging monolithic Java web service written in Dropwi...
Wednesday Links – Edition 2024-11-13
Wednesday Links - Edition 2024-11-13, Wednesday Links (232 Part Series) 1 Wednesday Links - Edition 2020-05-27 2 Wednesday Links - Edition 2020-06-03 ... 228 more parts... 3 Wednes...
Threads: Como definir e limitar a execução visando a performance?
Threads: Como definir e limitar a execução visando a performance?,Threads, uma ferramenta que ajuda e que se torna indispensável nos desenvolvimentos de soluções modernas e co...
Boost Your Java Back-End Performance: Essential Optimization Tips!
Boost Your Java Back-End Performance: Essential Optimization Tips!,Performance plays a critical role in the success of a software project. Optimizations applied during Java back-en...
Investigating the performance of np.einsum
Investigating the performance of np.einsum,As a reader of my last blog post pointed out to me, np.einsum is considerably slower than np.matmul unless you turn on the optimize flag ...
Don’t use if-else blocks anymore! Use Strategy and Factory Pattern Together
Don’t use if-else blocks anymore! Use Strategy and Factory Pattern Together,As we move forward in a project, lost in if-else blocks, struggling with complex conditions and repetit...
Performance trap: general libraries & helper objects
Performance trap: general libraries & helper objects, DeepCell on GCP (10 Part Series) 1 Building a Vertex AI custom job container 2 Running a Vertex AI custom container ... 6 more...
Go vs Python for File Processing: A Performance and Architecture Perspective
Go vs Python for File Processing: A Performance and Architecture Perspective,'If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.' This is known as the Law of the Instrument...
20 milhões de linhas em 20s
20 milhões de linhas em 20s,Olá, meu nome é Lucas Wasilewski e recentemente me propus a começar a programar com mais limitações, tanto no sentido de máquina quanto no sentid...