Solving Lighthouse ‘Avoid an excessive DOM size’ issue
Solving Lighthouse ‘Avoid an excessive DOM size’ issue,Recently we started looking a bit into OSBO performance. As the page was built mostly at the time when we didn’t understan...
Faster Than Requests
Faster Than Requests, Library Speed Files LOC Dependencies Developers PyWGET 152.39 1 338 Wget >17 Requests 15.58 >20 2558 >7 (Depends on Urllib3) >527 Requests (pre-Ca...
Is there a price to pay for using exceptions?
Is there a price to pay for using exceptions?, Have you ever wondered how exceptions start to shape and have an impact on your project? Are they useful? Do they affect performance ...
Is your Django app slow? Think like a data scientist, not an engineer
Is your Django app slow? Think like a data scientist, not an engineer,This post originally appeared on the Scout Blog. I'm an engineer by trade. I rely on intuition when investigat...
PERFORMANCE OF JVM VS NATIVE VS THE WORLD,Lately I was trying to understand how virtual memory works and how JVM work and perform. My intuition was ' if a JVM is written in C, it i...
Blazing fast Python
Blazing fast Python, Profiling Python applications using Pyflame This post originally appeared on Build Smarter. Perhaps you’ve faced the fortunate challenge of scaling up a Pytho...
Lessons learned about performance
Lessons learned about performance,Performance is a world that is always in the minds of all developers and engineers. Many things used among tools, libraries, frameworks and techni...
Have you had to make your Python code run fast?
Have you had to make your Python code run fast?,Though performance is often cited as a reason people are skeptical of Python (see @grokcode 's recent post and the replies to it ), ...
Stopping a Java memory leak
Stopping a Java memory leak,Java objects are stored in a memory area called the heap. This area increases and decreases in size, but has a limited space defined by several factors,...
Why I Deleted My IDE; and How It Changed My Life For the Better
Why I Deleted My IDE; and How It Changed My Life For the Better,About 3 years ago, I made a big change in the way that I write code. It occurred to me that in a lot of cases, my ID...
Writing microbenchmarks with JMH
Writing microbenchmarks with JMH,Today I'd like to talk about a subject that cares for me : performance. I'm going to give a quick overview of an aspect that it not often treated :...