Project Four (Python): Restaurant Recommender-拾光赋

Project Four (Python): Restaurant Recommender

Project Four (Python): Restaurant Recommender, Why? Hello, this is my fourth posted project. This project was created with the intention of exposing myself to Python, Stack Overflo...
Draw2Img: A simple web UI for interactive text-guided image to image generation for all ages-拾光赋

Draw2Img: A simple web UI for interactive text-guided image to image generation for all ages

Draw2Img: A simple web UI for interactive text-guided image to image generation for all ages,The children in my family love to draw and are beginning to explore digital drawing too...
Scalable Image Comparison: An Open-Source Java Library-拾光赋

Scalable Image Comparison: An Open-Source Java Library

Scalable Image Comparison: An Open-Source Java Library,I’ve been working on an open-source Java library designed for scalable, multi-stage image comparison. It allows you to mix a...
20+ Trending and Popular Java Open Source Project-拾光赋

20+ Trending and Popular Java Open Source Project

20+ Trending and Popular Java Open Source Project, Open Source (6 Part Series) 1 Find Open Source Project to Contribute 2 20+ Open Source Project for Beginners ... 2 more parts... ...
I'm creating a community for a war project (Ukraine)-拾光赋

I’m creating a community for a war project (Ukraine)

I'm creating a community for a war project (Ukraine),A few weeks ago, I made a post about my new program on aircraft detection in eastern Europe:
ClointFusion : Python based Automation (RPA) Platform-拾光赋

ClointFusion : Python based Automation (RPA) Platform

ClointFusion : Python based Automation (RPA) Platform, Using the Power of Python for Software Automation ! Why ClointFusion ? Today, there are many RPA software tools on the market...
My first contribution to other open source project-拾光赋

My first contribution to other open source project

My first contribution to other open source project,After learning how to review and test other open source project last week, I made my first contribution to other open source proj...
Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)-拾光赋

Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), What is AST? It is a tree representation of the abstract syntactic structure of source code written in a programming language. Each node of the tree den...
The check of the Rhino JavaScript engine or how the unicorn met the rhino-拾光赋

The check of the Rhino JavaScript engine or how the unicorn met the rhino

The check of the Rhino JavaScript engine or how the unicorn met the rhino,Among the wide variety of programming languages, what our users want the most is that the PVS-Studio analy...
Implementing Difficult Features While Learning New Things in C++-拾光赋

Implementing Difficult Features While Learning New Things in C++

Implementing Difficult Features While Learning New Things in C++, rwar - A Python Project Story (9 Part Series) 1 Rwar – A Simple Static Site Generator Written in Python 2 Filing ...
how to install open edx on ubuntu-拾光赋

how to install open edx on ubuntu

how to install open edx on ubuntu,By finishing this article you'll install your own production-ready learning management system. What is open edX? open edX is an open source altern...
Day 3: File Handling and Error Handling-拾光赋

Day 3: File Handling and Error Handling

Day 3: File Handling and Error Handling, Day 3: File Handling and Error Handling Continuing from where we left off, today’s focus is on file handling and error management in Pytho...