Detecting missing pixels in an Image
Detecting missing pixels in an Image, Today we will be talking about finding missing data from the image we sent over the network. From our previous example of sending an image ove...
“IpSurv”, an IP survey tool made in Python, has been released.
'IpSurv', an IP survey tool made in Python, has been released.,'IpSurv' has been released. It's an IP survey tool developed by Python. 🥕Installation IpSurv's installation is as fo...
Interaction Between FTP Server and client
Interaction Between FTP Server and client, Photo by panumas nikhomkhai from Pexels The client sends a Passive[PASV] commands to the server which invokes passive modes The server re...
CamOver — ferramenta para exploração de vulnerabilidades em câmeras de rede
CamOver — ferramenta para exploração de vulnerabilidades em câmeras de rede,Hoje vamos falar sobre uma ferramenta interessante: CamOver, utilizada para explorar vulnerabilidade...
Build a Chatroom App with Python
Build a Chatroom App with Python, Socket programming + Tkinter GUI Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash I’ve recently delved into the wonderful world of computer networking....
pyATS, the Cisco python automation tool
pyATS, the Cisco python automation tool,Automation is a core element in the management of network devices. In this post, I tried to set up the pyATS toolset by Cisco. It's a librar...
IPv4 prefix lookup with binary search (Python)
IPv4 prefix lookup with binary search (Python),This time, I want to show you how to perform an IPv4 prefix lookup using the binary search algorithm. Motivation Imagine that you are...
3 Simple Zeek Scripts to Boost Your Network Security
3 Simple Zeek Scripts to Boost Your Network Security,Zeek is a powerful network analysis framework that can provide you with incredible insight into what’s happening on your netw...
ANSIBLE - AUTOMAÇÃO DE BACKUPS, Sobre Ansible O Ansible é uma ferramenta de automação sem agente que gerencia hosts por meio de módulos através do protocolo SSH (por padrão...
Simple Wireshark Scripts for Easy Network Forensics
Simple Wireshark Scripts for Easy Network Forensics,In this article, I’ll show you some practical Python code snippets to simplify network forensics. Capturing Packets: With the h...
Service to Service Communication between containers on your localhost
Service to Service Communication between containers on your localhost,tldr; Inside the containers other containers can be called by their container names Outside the containers (yo...
[Python] A Journey to Python Async – 1. Intro
[Python] A Journey to Python Async - 1. Intro, A Journey to Python Async (5 Part Series) 1 [Python] A Journey to Python Async - 1. Intro 2 [Python] A Journey to Python Async - 2. G...