Beginner's guide to running Elasticsearch and Kibana v8+ Locally (macOS/Linux and Windows)-拾光赋

Beginner’s guide to running Elasticsearch and Kibana v8+ Locally (macOS/Linux and Windows)

Beginner's guide to running Elasticsearch and Kibana v8+ Locally (macOS/Linux and Windows),As of 8.0, Elastic Stack security is on by default for self-managed clusters! When you do...
Python Celebrity Recognizer-拾光赋

Python Celebrity Recognizer

Python Celebrity Recognizer, Let's use the python requests library, and a free trial of Microsoft's computer vision API to identify celebrities in photos. This short tutorial is ai...
Kickstart Your Coding Journey with Python and Microsoft Learn!-拾光赋

Kickstart Your Coding Journey with Python and Microsoft Learn!

Kickstart Your Coding Journey with Python and Microsoft Learn!, Why Python Should Be Your First Programming Language Python isn’t just another programming language — it’s the ...
Chatbot with Semantic Kernel - Part 6: AI Connectors-拾光赋

Chatbot with Semantic Kernel – Part 6: AI Connectors

Chatbot with Semantic Kernel - Part 6: AI Connectors , Chatbot with Semantic Kernel (6 Part Series) 1 Chatbot with Semantic Kernel - Part 1: Setup and first steps 2 Chatbot with Se...
Active Directory (AD) vs Azure Active Directory (AAD)-拾光赋

Active Directory (AD) vs Azure Active Directory (AAD)

Active Directory (AD) vs Azure Active Directory (AAD), Definition Active Directory (AD): Active Directory is a Microsoft technology used to manage computers and other devices on a ...
Chatbot with Semantic Kernel - Part 3: Inspector & tokens-拾光赋

Chatbot with Semantic Kernel – Part 3: Inspector & tokens

Chatbot with Semantic Kernel - Part 3: Inspector & tokens , Chatbot with Semantic Kernel (3 Part Series) 1 Chatbot with Semantic Kernel - Part 1: Setup and first steps 2 Chatbot wi...
Java 1.0 Release Candidate for Semantic Kernel-拾光赋

Java 1.0 Release Candidate for Semantic Kernel

Java 1.0 Release Candidate for Semantic Kernel,Explore the latest advancements on the Microsoft Azure Depth Platform, offering ground breaking solutions for immersive experiences L...
Python Development Environment on WSL2-拾光赋

Python Development Environment on WSL2

Python Development Environment on WSL2,This Post guides you through how to setup a python development environment on Windows Sub-System for Linux(wsl2). What is WSL2? wsl2 lets a w...
Microsoft Java got released-拾光赋

Microsoft Java got released

Microsoft Java got released,Yes, you read correctly. We just announced the Preview of Microsoft Build of OpenJDK on Twitter and on the official announcement. The Microsoft Build of...
Microsoft has released a Playwright-Python-拾光赋

Microsoft has released a Playwright-Python

Microsoft has released a Playwright-Python,1. Introduction to Playwright Playwright is a powerful Python library that can automatically perform automated operations on mainstream b...
Embark on Your Python Learning Journey with Microsoft Learn!-拾光赋

Embark on Your Python Learning Journey with Microsoft Learn!

Embark on Your Python Learning Journey with Microsoft Learn! ,Hello community, Today, I'm thrilled to share with you a fantastic and absolutely FREE resource that will empower you ...
Chatbot with Semantic Kernel - Part 4: Whisper-拾光赋

Chatbot with Semantic Kernel – Part 4: Whisper

Chatbot with Semantic Kernel - Part 4: Whisper ,On the previous chapters, we built a basic Librarian agent, enhanced with some specific skills via function calling, and a tool to i...