Microservices: A Brief Introduction
Microservices: A Brief Introduction,If we take an application and separate some of its components, we can see classes, methods, interfaces, each and every one of them with a functi...
Circuit breaker in Java with Hystrix, Resilience4j and Microprofile fault tolerance
Circuit breaker in Java with Hystrix, Resilience4j and Microprofile fault tolerance,I tried to see implementation of circuit breaker with 3 java libraries : Hystrix (Deprecated, us...
Python Microservices, Part 3: Effective Canonical Logging across Services
Python Microservices, Part 3: Effective Canonical Logging across Services, Python Microservices (4 Part Series) 1 Python Microservices, Part 1: Choices, Key Concepts, and Project s...
Query materialized views with Java, Spring, and streaming database
Query materialized views with Java, Spring, and streaming database,Materialized views are a powerful tool in database management systems that allow users to pre-compute and store t...
How to structure your Java apps using JHipster
How to structure your Java apps using JHipster,7 years ago, JHipster had its initial release. It allowed developers to generate code for modern web applications that utilize the mi...
The complete gRPC course [Protobuf + Go + Java]
The complete gRPC course [Protobuf + Go + Java], The complete gRPC course (16 Part Series) 1 The complete gRPC course [Protobuf + Go + Java] 2 Introduction to gRPC: why, what, how?...
Practicality Beats Purity – Microservices vs Monoliths
Practicality Beats Purity - Microservices vs Monoliths,In recent years there’s a growing trend to move away from large all-in-one applications. These “monoliths”, developed with...
Remote Development Environments with PyCharm, Okteto and Kubernetes
Remote Development Environments with PyCharm, Okteto and Kubernetes,In the past, we've talked about how to develop remotely with VS Code. Today, I'm going show you how can you use ...
Designing a Data Science oriented tabular data query DSL
Designing a Data Science oriented tabular data query DSL,I have been working on a number of services written in JavaScript, Python and PHP that organise, orchestrate and visualise ...
Choreography Saga Pattern Implementation
Choreography Saga Pattern Implementation,Saga pattern can be applied to perform distributed transactions spanning across multiple microservices by maintaining an application level ...
URL Shortener Microservice using FastAPI and PostgreSQL
URL Shortener Microservice using FastAPI and PostgreSQL,Hello everyone ! Been a long time that I have made my hands dirty on some projects. Currently, am getting to know basics of ...
Creating a Virtual Machine; step by step guide
Creating a Virtual Machine; step by step guide,The required quick and simple steps to create a Virtual Machine are outlined below. Note that a virtual machine is emulation of a phy...