interview 第2页
With Spring can I make an optional path variable?-拾光赋

With Spring can I make an optional path variable?

With Spring can I make an optional path variable?, Yes, you can make a path variable optional in Spring by using @PathVariable with the required attribute set to false. However, fo...
🧩 LeetCode Challenge: Merge Sorted Array | Top Interview Questions [Java Solution]-拾光赋

🧩 LeetCode Challenge: Merge Sorted Array | Top Interview Questions [Java Solution]

🧩 LeetCode Challenge: Merge Sorted Array | Top Interview Questions [Java Solution], Introduction If you're preparing for coding interviews, especially for roles in FAANG or simila...
Java Stream Scenario Based Interview Question-拾光赋

Java Stream Scenario Based Interview Question

Java Stream Scenario Based Interview Question,You have a list of employees with fields like name, age, and department. Write a code snippet to group employees by department using J...
The Kth factor of N - an O(sqrt n) algorithm-拾光赋

The Kth factor of N – an O(sqrt n) algorithm

The Kth factor of N - an O(sqrt n) algorithm, Introduction Recently I wrote the post Learn Big O Notation once and for all. In that post I go over all of the types of Big O time no...
Sorting Algorithms || Python || Data Structures and Algorithms-拾光赋

Sorting Algorithms || Python || Data Structures and Algorithms

Sorting Algorithms || Python || Data Structures and Algorithms,Sorting Algoritms 1. Bubble Sort In this, we swap the higher element with its neighbor until we reach the end of the ...
Java scenario based interview questions-拾光赋

Java scenario based interview questions

Java scenario based interview questions,You have a list of strings: ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'date', 'fig', 'grape']. Write a code snippet to filter out strings starting with ...
How does Optional.ifPresent() differ from Optional.orElse()?-拾光赋

How does Optional.ifPresent() differ from Optional.orElse()?

How does Optional.ifPresent() differ from Optional.orElse()?,Optional.ifPresent() and Optional.orElse() are two methods in Java's Optional class, designed to handle optional values...
Mastering SOLID Principles for Java Interviews-拾光赋

Mastering SOLID Principles for Java Interviews

Mastering SOLID Principles for Java Interviews, Java Fundamentals (7 Part Series) 1 Understanding Data Types in Java: Common Pitfalls and Best Practices 2 Understanding the + Opera...
Java Streams | What is the difference between sorted() and distinct() in streams?-拾光赋

Java Streams | What is the difference between sorted() and distinct() in streams?

Java Streams | What is the difference between sorted() and distinct() in streams?,For Explanation watch video sorted() The sorted() method is used to sort the elements of a stream....
Sorting Smarts in Java: TreeSet and TreeMap-拾光赋

Sorting Smarts in Java: TreeSet and TreeMap

Sorting Smarts in Java: TreeSet and TreeMap, Collections Framework Essentials (8 Part Series) 1 Understanding ArrayList: Essential Knowledge for Interviews 2 Arrays vs. ArrayLists:...
Sorting Smarts in Java: Comparable and Comparator-拾光赋

Sorting Smarts in Java: Comparable and Comparator

Sorting Smarts in Java: Comparable and Comparator, Collections Framework Essentials (8 Part Series) 1 Understanding ArrayList: Essential Knowledge for Interviews 2 Arrays vs. Array...
Demystifying hashCode() and equals(): The Backbone of Java Hash Collections-拾光赋

Demystifying hashCode() and equals(): The Backbone of Java Hash Collections

Demystifying hashCode() and equals(): The Backbone of Java Hash Collections, Collections Framework Essentials (8 Part Series) 1 Understanding ArrayList: Essential Knowledge for Int...