Scenario based java interview question
Scenario based java interview question,Finding Duplicates in a List Question: You have a list of integers, and you want to find any duplicates in that list. Which collection ...
Top 25 Code Repository interview questions
Top 25 Code Repository interview questions, 1. What is the main purpose of a version control system (VCS)? A VCS tracks and manages changes in code, allowing for collaborative work...
Mastering SUPER Keyword in Java: Unlocking Inheritance and Constructor Chaining
Mastering SUPER Keyword in Java: Unlocking Inheritance and Constructor Chaining, Java Keywords Essentials (7 Part Series) 1 Mastering THIS Keyword in Java: A Key to Clean and Effec...
Java Interview – static
Java Interview - static,Let's talk about the static keyword in Java and what can be asked during the Java interview related to static? What are the Static Blocks and Static Initial...
Algorithms Problem Solving: to Lower case
Algorithms Problem Solving: to Lower case, Algorithms Problem Solving Series (23 Part Series) 1 Algorithms Problem Solving: Jewels and Stones 2 Algorithms Problem Solving: Ransom N...
Algorithms Problem Solving: Balanced Strings
Algorithms Problem Solving: Balanced Strings, Algorithms Problem Solving Series (23 Part Series) 1 Algorithms Problem Solving: Jewels and Stones 2 Algorithms Problem Solving: Ranso...
In Spring Boot, what is the use of @PostConstruct? Explain using Example.
In Spring Boot, what is the use of @PostConstruct? Explain using Example., Use of @PostConstruct in Spring Boot ==================================== In Spring Boot, @PostConstruct ...
doReturn() method in Mockito example
doReturn() method in Mockito example,Spring Boot Example Using doReturn() in Mockito The doReturn() method in Mockito is used when you want to mock a method that is already called ...
Functional Interface in Java
Functional Interface in Java, Functional Interface in Java A functional interface in Java is an interface that contains exactly one abstract method. It can have any number of defau...
Find the Duplicate Elements in an Array/List
Find the Duplicate Elements in an Array/List,Given an array of integers, find all the elements that are duplicated. Example: Input: [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 5] Output: [2, 3] Hint: You c...
Leetcode — Top Interview 150–121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
Leetcode — Top Interview 150–121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock,It’s an easy problem with the description being: You are given an array prices where prices[i] is the price of ...
Java program to find Sum of Digits
Java program to find Sum of Digits,For Explanation watch the video code :: import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; class Demo{ public static void main(String[] args){ int n = 555; ...