Meu primeiro app com Quarkus
Meu primeiro app com Quarkus,Hoje eu decidi que iria criar meu primeiro APP utilizando Quarkus, mas por que?! Na verdade é só uma validação mesmo eu sei que o Spring boot tá ...
Micronaut PetClinic with GraalVM > 19
Micronaut PetClinic with GraalVM > 19,Now you can run Micronaut PetClinic with the (kinda) latest GraalVM Native Image. I will explain the meaning later. Build & Run $ git clon...
Creating a native executable in Windows with GraalVM
Creating a native executable in Windows with GraalVM,GraalVM is pretty awesome for a lot of reasons. But the one that has me most hyped is the ability to create native executables ...
The JHipster Quarkus demo app
The JHipster Quarkus demo app,Last weekend I wrote an article on creating the smallest possible Docker image for my JHipster application. The result was a 180Mb Docker image which ...
Micronaut PetClinic
Micronaut PetClinic,I tried implementing Spring PetClinic with Micronaut instead of using Spring. https://github.com/bufferings/micronaut-petclinic The application uses Thymeleaf, ...
Quarkus: Introduction of New Method for Quickly Launching Java applications on Container
Quarkus: Introduction of New Method for Quickly Launching Java applications on Container,Please refer to the article such kind of person who think that starting Java applications o...
Building a 22 Megabytes Microservice with Java, Javalin and GraalVM
Building a 22 Megabytes Microservice with Java, Javalin and GraalVM,Oracle's GraalVM allows for ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation of JVM applications. This means, instead of running ...