How to build Graal-enabled JDK8 on CircleCI?
How to build Graal-enabled JDK8 on CircleCI?,The GraalVM Compiler is a replacement to HotSpot’s server-side JIT compiler widely known as the C2 compiler. It is written in Java wit...
Meu primeiro app com Quarkus
Meu primeiro app com Quarkus,Hoje eu decidi que iria criar meu primeiro APP utilizando Quarkus, mas por que?! Na verdade é só uma validação mesmo eu sei que o Spring boot tá ...
Micronaut PetClinic with GraalVM > 19
Micronaut PetClinic with GraalVM > 19,Now you can run Micronaut PetClinic with the (kinda) latest GraalVM Native Image. I will explain the meaning later. Build & Run $ git clon...
Creating a native executable in Windows with GraalVM
Creating a native executable in Windows with GraalVM,GraalVM is pretty awesome for a lot of reasons. But the one that has me most hyped is the ability to create native executables ...
The JHipster Quarkus demo app
The JHipster Quarkus demo app,Last weekend I wrote an article on creating the smallest possible Docker image for my JHipster application. The result was a 180Mb Docker image which ...
Micronaut PetClinic
Micronaut PetClinic,I tried implementing Spring PetClinic with Micronaut instead of using Spring. https://github.com/bufferings/micronaut-petclinic The application uses Thymeleaf, ...
Quarkus: Introduction of New Method for Quickly Launching Java applications on Container
Quarkus: Introduction of New Method for Quickly Launching Java applications on Container,Please refer to the article such kind of person who think that starting Java applications o...
Building a 22 Megabytes Microservice with Java, Javalin and GraalVM
Building a 22 Megabytes Microservice with Java, Javalin and GraalVM,Oracle's GraalVM allows for ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation of JVM applications. This means, instead of running ...