Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP
Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP, Introduction After looking at a lot of Java/JVM based NLP libraries listed on Awesome AI/ML/DL I decided to pick the Apache OpenNLP lib...
Native Image Quick Reference — GraalVM for JDK 23 – graalvm
Native Image Quick Reference — GraalVM for JDK 23 - graalvm,Adding below to your pom xml and <profile> <id>native</id> <build> <plugins> <plugin&g...
GraalVM: running C/C++ application safely in the Java world
GraalVM: running C/C++ application safely in the Java world,As C++ application engineers in the Mobile In-Person Payments Team at Adyen, we continuously explore new technology that...
Exploring Graal: Next-Generation JIT Compilation for Java
Exploring Graal: Next-Generation JIT Compilation for Java,The Graal compiler is a radical leap forward in dynamic, Just-In Time (JIT) compilation technology. Heralded as a signific...
Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP inside a Java-enabled Jupyter notebook
Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP inside a Java-enabled Jupyter notebook, Introduction I have been exploring and playing around with the Apache OpenNLP library after a bi...
Kotlin Native and GraalVM – The Story So Far
Kotlin Native and GraalVM - The Story So Far, 1. Introduction There is a lot of buzz today about a technology that we tend to call Native. Native technology or Native code usually ...
Mi experiencia con GraalVM y Spring Boot
Mi experiencia con GraalVM y Spring Boot,Hace unas semanas, tuve la oportunidad de asistir a una charla en Nerdearla 101 en Santiago, donde se discutió sobre GraalVM y las increí...
Memory Management in GraalVM Native Image
Memory Management in GraalVM Native Image,Memory management is a crucial component of computer software development, tasked with the effective allocation, utilization, and release ...
Coping with incompatible code in Graal VM AOT compilation
Coping with incompatible code in Graal VM AOT compilation,The link last two blog posts were focused on how to write a custom Kubernetes controller in Java. As usual, I'm writing a ...
Java Can Be Serverless Too: Using GraalVM for Fast Cold Starts
Java Can Be Serverless Too: Using GraalVM for Fast Cold Starts, Introduction A fairly common approach when it comes to working with serverless code is to write it as a Python, Node...
Turbocharge Java Microservices with Quarkus and GraalVM Native Image
Turbocharge Java Microservices with Quarkus and GraalVM Native Image,In the dynamic landscape of modern software development, microservices have become the favored architectural ap...
Quarkus: Introduction of New Method for Quickly Launching Java applications on Container
Quarkus: Introduction of New Method for Quickly Launching Java applications on Container,Please refer to the article such kind of person who think that starting Java applications o...