graalvm 第3页
Quarkus Hazelcast Client Integration-拾光赋

Quarkus Hazelcast Client Integration

Quarkus Hazelcast Client Integration,Today, we’re happy to announce the preview version of quarkus-hazelcast-client is publicly available and accessible via quarkus-platform and c...
Beating C with 33 Lines of Java-拾光赋

Beating C with 33 Lines of Java

Beating C with 33 Lines of Java,This article was published originally on After reading the 'Beating C with X lines of Y' 1 last year I immediately thought about trying ...
GraalVM native, not quite there yet-拾光赋

GraalVM native, not quite there yet

GraalVM native, not quite there yet, Introduction I wrote a couple of posts around GraalVM here at Building a native CLI with Kotlin and GraalVM and Building a native ktor ...
Coping with incompatible code in Graal VM AOT compilation-拾光赋

Coping with incompatible code in Graal VM AOT compilation

Coping with incompatible code in Graal VM AOT compilation,The link last two blog posts were focused on how to write a custom Kubernetes controller in Java. As usual, I'm writing a ...
GraalVM - Polyglot Virtual Machine-拾光赋

GraalVM – Polyglot Virtual Machine

GraalVM - Polyglot Virtual Machine,It seems like the whole Java ecosystem is going to adopt GraalVM in these days. Every library, framework and even community speakers, developers ...
Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP inside a Java-enabled Jupyter notebook-拾光赋

Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP inside a Java-enabled Jupyter notebook

Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP inside a Java-enabled Jupyter notebook, Introduction I have been exploring and playing around with the Apache OpenNLP library after a bi...
Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP-拾光赋

Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP

Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP, Introduction After looking at a lot of Java/JVM based NLP libraries listed on Awesome AI/ML/DL I decided to pick the Apache OpenNLP lib...
NLP with DL4J in Java, all from the command-line-拾光赋

NLP with DL4J in Java, all from the command-line

NLP with DL4J in Java, all from the command-line, Introduction We are all aware of Machine Learning tools and cloud services that work via the browser and give us an interface we c...
Running Apache Zeppelin on the cloud-拾光赋

Running Apache Zeppelin on the cloud

Running Apache Zeppelin on the cloud, Introduction This post is going to be a composition of the practical parts of two posts, one written late last year and the other a couple of ...
Quick start to GraalVM-拾光赋

Quick start to GraalVM

Quick start to GraalVM,This post is a TLDR; of Getting started with GraalVM Finally Java can go real native without the bloat of commerical 'native' compilers like ExcelsiorJet or ...
Running your JuPyTeR notebooks on the cloud-拾光赋

Running your JuPyTeR notebooks on the cloud

Running your JuPyTeR notebooks on the cloud, Introduction On the back of my previous share on how to build and run a docker container with Jupyter, I’ll be taking this further on ...
How to do Deep Learning for Java?-拾光赋

How to do Deep Learning for Java?

How to do Deep Learning for Java?, Introduction Some time ago I came across this life-cycle management tool (or cloud service) called Valohai and I was quite impressed by its user-...