Blast from the Past: Build Your Own Space Invaders Game with Python – A Step-by-Step Tutorial
Blast from the Past: Build Your Own Space Invaders Game with Python - A Step-by-Step Tutorial, Setting Up Your Development Environment Before diving into coding Space Invaders usin...
Building a Voice Controlled Flappy Bird
Building a Voice Controlled Flappy Bird, Flappy Bird is a very simple game, one where a user would tap their cell phone screen, to make a bird 'flap', and avoid pipes. It was an un...
Automating Android Games with Python & Pytesseract: Sudoku
Automating Android Games with Python & Pytesseract: Sudoku, Introduction I made a Python Script to Automate a Sudoku Game on Android after watching Engineer Man's Videos on Youtube...
Mady my 2d Java strategy game open source!
Mady my 2d Java strategy game open source!,I recently decided to open-source my Java game project, because its too much by myself to come to any meaningful result. I do not have an...
Python Tkinter Tutorial: build a jumbled words game from scratch
Python Tkinter Tutorial: build a jumbled words game from scratch, Python Tkinter Games Series Build a number guessing game Build a jumbled words game from scratch This article is p...
A terminal Minesweeper Game with Python
A terminal Minesweeper Game with Python,I coded a minesweeper game with Python, which can be played in the terminal. I coded it as a final project of my Codecademy Computer Science...
Tron game ️ – A Combinatorial search in python
Tron game ️ - A Combinatorial search in python, About Tron game: Tron is a two player game based on the popular movie Tron. The objective of the game is to cut off players movemen...
Shop’till you drop!
Shop'till you drop!,This game is part of the projects required for the Data Science path from Codecademy. The rationale was to code a game where the player require some basic knowl...
Desas game (tic-tac-toe)
Desas game (tic-tac-toe),Tic tac toe game written in python. This is a project – a part of codecademy course. In examples i got inspired by list of possible project ideas, and one...
teach your kids to build their own game with Python – 1
teach your kids to build their own game with Python - 1,I used to be a coding trainer few months ago. Our students were former street kids coming from under-privileged societies. Y...
teach your kids to build their own game with Python – 2
teach your kids to build their own game with Python - 2,Hello again! I know and I am sorry!. I promised this second part a long time ago and didnt publish it. I am having a tough f...
Build a Guessing Game with Python
Build a Guessing Game with Python,In this article, we will be building a simple guessing game using Python. This was a task done during the StartNG Beginner Software Development Tr...