Is it valid to ask end-users (desktop) to install JRE, Chrome, or programming languages?
Is it valid to ask end-users (desktop) to install JRE, Chrome, or programming languages?,What about telling them not to use IE? 原文链接:Is it valid to ask end-users (desktop) to ...
Java functional vs OO programing
Java functional vs OO programing,Hi Java guys, I want to know how you guys use java. My previous job still uses OOP (except simple lambda and stream). Now, I joined Oracle. I found...
How difficult it is to crack interviews when switching tech stack/language?
How difficult it is to crack interviews when switching tech stack/language?,Question is majorly for backend/full-stack development. As a beginner I am willing to start in JAVA as I...
Do Java Code Streams Exist?
Do Java Code Streams Exist?,Recently while doing some coding on Twitch I was posed a question, 'Are there any people streaming Java?' It's an interesting question, as I've seen a l...
WordPress Themes or Vala for Java Programmers?
Wordpress Themes or Vala for Java Programmers?,Oh, how tech gods tease me so... I am stuck between either learning how to create Wordpress Themes or learning Vala for Java Programm...
Not understanding this project.
Not understanding this project.,Hey everyone I am working on this project and am having a hard time trying to complete it. The information given is confusing and at times lacking i...
How do you get started with Kotlin (not for Android), or init a project?
How do you get started with Kotlin (not for Android), or init a project?,I came from Android, so I use gradle. brew install gradle mkdir project && cd project gradle init #...
Opinions on which to pick C++ or Java for GUI project?
Opinions on which to pick C++ or Java for GUI project?,Hey fellow Devs! So here the thing I'm currently enrolled in ComputerScience degree in University. Basically this semester I ...
Received an ‘A’
Received an 'A',I received an 'A' in this Java class and was exempt from the final. Well next up is CPT 187 Object Oriented Programming. It has been truly rewarding to be able to c...
Blake3 Crytopgrahic Hash Function / Java Implementation?
Blake3 Crytopgrahic Hash Function / Java Implementation?,Hi, Does anyone know if there's a Java implementation of Blake3? Or at least an effort to implement it? Kind regards Johann...
Tool to monitor jms messages
Tool to monitor jms messages,Is there any open source tool to monitor the jms: message broker, deployed consumers, stats of sent/produced or received/consumed messages trafic etc i...
Rolling, secure hashes for nodes in a tree / How to reduce on-disk space consumption?
Rolling, secure hashes for nodes in a tree / How to reduce on-disk space consumption?,Hi all, I've implemented the storage of rolling, secure hashes for a temporal document store c...