What components do you use to do TDD with Python?
What components do you use to do TDD with Python?,I plan to use pytest, but I would like to know the pros and cons. 原文链接:What components do you use to do TDD with Python?
JavaScript Primitives have methods and properties! Wait what?
JavaScript Primitives have methods and properties! Wait what?, Hey guys! How are you? Last time, I was discussing with a colleague that everything in Python was an object. Even num...
Parallelization in Java
Parallelization in Java,I am exploring between completeableFuture, RxJava,Reactor to? Any recommendations. 原文链接:Parallelization in Java
Java OCP – nested classes
Java OCP - nested classes,Hi, any Java developers... I've just got my OCA certificate and am moving onto OCP prep now... First concept, is nested classes and I'm struggling to unde...
Python conditions (if, elif, else statement)
Python conditions (if, elif, else statement),conditional statements in python Quite often in programs we only want to do something provided something else is true. Python’s if sta...
Any advanced alternative to unitest.mock.ANY?
Any advanced alternative to unitest.mock.ANY?,I hope for the comment from somebody with a tool or the technique on how to assert on container structures in a readable way. Here is ...
Unbeatable Tic Tac Toe Game using Minimax
Unbeatable Tic Tac Toe Game using Minimax,In order to make the traditional Tic Tac Toe Game unbeatable, it is necessary to create an algorithm that can calculate all the possible m...
Screw it! I’ve Developed My Own Static Site Generator!
Screw it! I've Developed My Own Static Site Generator!,Web development nowadays has become so complicated thanks to the creators of thousands of new ways to do the same thing. In t...
How do you use Python in a not “professional developer” way?
How do you use Python in a not 'professional developer' way?,I love Python. In fact, for a few years it has been my favourite language (Maybe I change my mind after trying Go...). ...
How to earn by coding
How to earn by coding,Is there anyone that knows how to earn more money by writing codes with Python? 原文链接:How to earn by coding
How do you manage Docker secrets?
How do you manage Docker secrets?,There seem to be a lot of posts about how to use and deploy docker but not much about how to connect many of the linking parts? I.e how to pull en...
Python List Cheat Sheet
Python List Cheat Sheet, A list is an ordered,mutable and heterogeneous collection of items Creating a list We use the syntax my_list my_list = ['apple','banana','cherry'] Enter fu...