Crypto Data Bot using Python, Binance WebSockets and PostgreSQL DB
Crypto Data Bot using Python, Binance WebSockets and PostgreSQL DB,Its been almost a year since my last write-up on this blog. I have been busy adjusting to a new job and other pro...
Query materialized views with Java, Spring, and streaming database
Query materialized views with Java, Spring, and streaming database,Materialized views are a powerful tool in database management systems that allow users to pre-compute and store t...
How to Get Database Metadata as Java POJOs
How to Get Database Metadata as Java POJOs,The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API enables access to data and metadata from standard relational database systems (RDBMS). However,...
Database Migrations : Liquibase for Spring Boot Projects
Database Migrations : Liquibase for Spring Boot Projects, Database Migrations (3 Part Series) 1 Database Migrations : From Manual to Automated Management. 2 Database Migrations : L...
How to securely hash and store passwords in your next application
How to securely hash and store passwords in your next application,Are you hashing your user's passwords? More importantly, are you doing it correctly? There's a lot of information ...
How To Write Your First Airflow Pipeline
How To Write Your First Airflow Pipeline,This tutorial discusses the basic steps it takes to create your first workflow using Apache Airflow. Before getting started, you need ...
How to Handle N+1 Queries for Optimal Database Performance in Django?
How to Handle N+1 Queries for Optimal Database Performance in Django?,As a backend developer, prioritizing efficiency is the foremost metric for your application's success. Every d...
Progress – lowCal_update 9
Progress - lowCal_update 9,Hello everyone. During the time between the last post and this one, I have made significant progress. I met with a NutrionIX employee, and I figured out ...
My first open-source project built with Python to inspect databases through CLI fast
My first open-source project built with Python to inspect databases through CLI fast,What my problem was: While working on other projects, I found myself always having to connect a...
Need a project Idea
Need a project Idea,I need an idea for a project, I just started last year programming so I don't have much experience, and it's okay to have a partner! Thanks in advance! 原文链接...
Quickiebase: a pure-Python NoSQL database
Quickiebase: a pure-Python NoSQL database,I'm working on Quickiebase my pure-Python NoSQL database which stores documents as JSON objects. Why Quickiebase? Python is renowned for b...
Freeware: Java Utility Package (Version 2024.10.26) released
Freeware: Java Utility Package (Version 2024.10.26) released,A fast and easy to use programming toolkit for the Java backend developer KDB: Added option argTimeOutSec to exec() KDB...