computervision 第9页
How to count objects on an image with Python-拾光赋

How to count objects on an image with Python

How to count objects on an image with Python,In this tutorial, you will learn how you can count the number of objects on an image with Python using CV2. This is our test image: Let...
Let's Draw OpenCV Logo Using OpenCV-拾光赋

Let’s Draw OpenCV Logo Using OpenCV

Let's Draw OpenCV Logo Using OpenCV,OpenCV is an awesome, powerful image-processing, computer vision and deep learning library. It would not be a joke to say that it is the god of ...
Maping coordinates from video frame to technical projection 🤓-拾光赋

Maping coordinates from video frame to technical projection 🤓

Maping coordinates from video frame to technical projection 🤓,Many google search results led me here. Hope one of yours will lead you here and this post will shorten your sufferin...
Building a Web-Based Real-Time Computer Vision App with Streamlit-拾光赋

Building a Web-Based Real-Time Computer Vision App with Streamlit

Building a Web-Based Real-Time Computer Vision App with Streamlit,This article is based on an older version of the library and out-of-date. See this new tutorial ️ Streamlit is a ...
Introduction to Watershed Algorithm-拾光赋

Introduction to Watershed Algorithm

Introduction to Watershed Algorithm,Previously, I worked on Object Detection algorithm and I make detected coordinaters, rotations and dimension of objects. This project is about W...
Object Detection with Color-拾光赋

Object Detection with Color

Object Detection with Color, Object Detection with Color In this project, I've worked on object detection, tried to find coordinates, width, height of object (in this project objec...
How to Change Background of an image using PixelLib-拾光赋

How to Change Background of an image using PixelLib

How to Change Background of an image using PixelLib,Before talking about 'What is Pixellib and what does it do?', let's talk about Image Segmentation Image Segmentation It is the p...
Naïve Bayes Deep Learning-拾光赋

Naïve Bayes Deep Learning

Naïve Bayes Deep Learning,Can a machine identify a bee as a honey bee or a bumblebee? These bees have different behaviors and appearances, but given the variety of backgrounds, po...
Discovering OpenCV with Python: Coin Amount Calculation-拾光赋

Discovering OpenCV with Python: Coin Amount Calculation

Discovering OpenCV with Python: Coin Amount Calculation, Discovering OpenCV using Python (5 Part Series) 1 Discovering OpenCV using Python: Convolution 2 Discovering OpenCV using P...
Discovering OpenCV with Python: Coin Detection-拾光赋

Discovering OpenCV with Python: Coin Detection

Discovering OpenCV with Python: Coin Detection, Discovering OpenCV using Python (5 Part Series) 1 Discovering OpenCV using Python: Convolution 2 Discovering OpenCV using Python: Ed...
Slideio - an open-source python library for reading of medical images-拾光赋

Slideio – an open-source python library for reading of medical images

Slideio - an open-source python library for reading of medical images,Slideio is an open-source python module for the reading of medical images. It allows reading of whole slides a...
Detecting Face Features with Python-拾光赋

Detecting Face Features with Python

Detecting Face Features with Python,We have covered before how to work with OpenCV to detect shapes in images, but today we will take it to a new level by introducing DLib, and ab...