Digital Image Processing
Digital Image Processing,Digital Image processing techniques have been around the world since the advent of computers. Theses techniques have been used for various uses like removi...
Read license plate with OCR
Read license plate with OCR, License Plate Detection (8 Part Series) 1 OpenCV in Python for End-to-end License Plate Detection 2 Camera and Computer Setup ... 4 more parts... 3 Cap...
Hand cricket against AI using python openCV
Hand cricket against AI using python openCV,PROJECT 6 Hand cricket against AI using hand gestures is a program (game) developed using python openCV, CVzone and mediapipe. Hand cric...
Deploying an object detection application to the cloud using Kubernetes and Helm
Deploying an object detection application to the cloud using Kubernetes and Helm,When talking about deploying computer vision applications we have 3 main options: Edge deployments:...
Creating a computer vision app in minutes with just two Python functions
Creating a computer vision app in minutes with just two Python functions,This article starts with an overview of what a typical computer vision application requires. Then, it intro...
Introduction To Computer Vision with Python (Part 1)
Introduction To Computer Vision with Python (Part 1),Note: In this post, we will only be working with Grey-Scale images to make it easy to follow. What is an Image? An image can be...
Top 5 machine learning courses on Youtube
Top 5 machine learning courses on Youtube,Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve fr...
How to cartoonize an image with Python
How to cartoonize an image with Python,In this tutorial, I will show you how to give a cartoon-effect to an image in Python with OpenCV. OpenCV is an open-source python library use...
My new easy-explain package for YoloV8 xai
My new easy-explain package for YoloV8 xai,I am very happy, now my package easy-explain available in Pypi supports Yolov8 explainable AI. You can also read my article in Towards AI...
Datasets for Computer Vision (5)
Datasets for Computer Vision (5),Buy Me a Coffee *Memos: My post explains MNIST, EMNIST, QMNIST, ETLCDB, Kuzushiji and Moving MNIST. My post explains Fashion-MNIST, Caltech 101, Ca...
Slideio – an open-source python library for reading of medical images
Slideio - an open-source python library for reading of medical images,Slideio is an open-source python module for the reading of medical images. It allows reading of whole slides a...
Convert LabelMe Annotations to YOLO Format with labelme-to-yolo
Convert LabelMe Annotations to YOLO Format with labelme-to-yolo,In the world of computer vision, working with precise annotations is key to training machine learning models effecti...