Using YOLO with CLIP to improve Retrieval
Using YOLO with CLIP to improve Retrieval,In this article we are going to see how we can use object detection models like YOLO along with multimodal embedding models like CLIP to m...
Detecting Face Features with Python
Detecting Face Features with Python,We have covered before how to work with OpenCV to detect shapes in images, but today we will take it to a new level by introducing DLib, and ab...
A simple way to extract all detected objects from image and save them as separate files using YOLOv8.2 and OpenCV
A simple way to extract all detected objects from image and save them as separate files using YOLOv8.2 and OpenCV, YOLOv8 (6 Part Series) 1 How to detect objects on images using th...
Building a Web-Based Real-Time Computer Vision App with Streamlit
Building a Web-Based Real-Time Computer Vision App with Streamlit,This article is based on an older version of the library and out-of-date. See this new tutorial ️ Streamlit is a ...
Hikvision camera configuration via ISAPI
Hikvision camera configuration via ISAPI,Hikvision company makes good cameras and terrible documentation for their software. If you've ended up here, chances are you've tried diggi...
Tortuosity in Python, test_code_#001
Tortuosity in Python, test_code_#001,The tortuosity can be defined as 'It has irregular bends, curves and undulations and in different ways.' So the calculation of a descriptor (an...
ROBOFLOW – train & test with python
ROBOFLOW - train & test with python,Roboflow is a platform for annotating images for use in object detection AI. I use this platform for C2SMR c2smr.fr, my computer vision associat...
Face Recognition on a Large Collection of Faces with Python
Face Recognition on a Large Collection of Faces with Python, Source: cnn.com Hey there! Ever wondered how computers can recognize faces? Well, nowadays, it’s not as complicated as...
Understanding & Implementing Shape Detection using Hough Transform with OpenCV & Python
Understanding & Implementing Shape Detection using Hough Transform with OpenCV & Python,Today we will learn how to detect lines and circles in an image, with the help of a techniqu...
Need Team Members for Computer Vision Projects (Python, OpenCV)
Need Team Members for Computer Vision Projects (Python, OpenCV),I am developing 2 projects right now and need some team members to speed up the process and experiencing team work. ...
Fruits’ Classification With Orangelib
Fruits' Classification With Orangelib,Classification problem is one of the major challenges in machine learning. Computer vision is an important aspect of classification problem in...
Object tracking and video cropping with computer vision and machine learning
Object tracking and video cropping with computer vision and machine learning,Imagine you have a video footage captured by a fixed camera, and you want to have a video clip followin...