Read Efficient Data Structures
Read Efficient Data Structures, RUM Conjecture (4 Part Series) 1 RUM Conjecture - Reasoning About Data Access 2 Read Efficient Data Structures 3 Update Efficient Data Structures 4 ...
Java interview prep: 15 Java interview questions
Java interview prep: 15 Java interview questions,Not all interviews will focus on algorithms and data structures — often times an interview will focus solely on the language or te...
Inheritance and Polymorphism – [OOP & Java #2]
Inheritance and Polymorphism - [OOP & Java #2], OOP & Java (15 Part Series) 1 Abstraction and Encapsulation - [OOP & Java #1] 2 Inheritance and Polymorphism - [OOP & Ja...
JIT 101
JIT 101, JIT compilation and HotSpot are with no doubt some very complex topics. This blog is a very short article touching on the topic in question; it was originally intended to ...
Python vs Java. Key differences, Features and History
Python vs Java. Key differences, Features and History, Key Differences between Python and Java 1.Java is a compiled+ interpreted Language whereas Python is an Interpreted Language ...
Codechef – Professor And Directions
Codechef - Professor And Directions,Problem Code: DIRECTN The Professor is facing the North. Tokyo is in trouble, and she is facing the South. Professor being her guardian angel wa...
A Beginner’s Guide to Competitive Coding
A Beginner's Guide to Competitive Coding, By Samrat Chakraborty Competitive programming teaches the art of breaking a problem into small pieces and making working solutions for the...
Java – `insertAt(index, data)` in Your Singly Linked List
Java - `insertAt(index, data)` in Your Singly Linked List ,Hello Dev.to enthusiasts! In our coding lives, there are times when we desire precision. When inserting data 🩺 in a data...
Striver’s SDE Sheet Journey – #17 Grid Unique Paths
Striver's SDE Sheet Journey - #17 Grid Unique Paths, Problem Statement :- Given a matrix m X n, count paths from left-top to the right bottom of a matrix with the constraints that ...
Internal Communications Promoter for Organizations
Internal Communications Promoter for Organizations, Here is my video This program is for promoting internal communication of organizations, and also my final project for Code in Pl...
Towards language agnostic programing
Towards language agnostic programing,Have you every wondered about the increasing lines of code in everything that we do as developers? This is one such random musings from a fello...
Top 5 GAN(Generative Adversarial Networks) Projects to play around with Human Faces.
Top 5 GAN(Generative Adversarial Networks) Projects to play around with Human Faces., Kick-start your project with my new article on Top 5 GAN(Generative Adversarial Networks) Proj...