bash 第3页
Windows Vs Linux - The Numbers-拾光赋

Windows Vs Linux – The Numbers

Windows Vs Linux - The Numbers, Introduction Hello! A while ago I conducted some tests between Windows and Linux (Pop_OS! in this instance). The tests conducted were the following:...
Using Bash and Python Together-拾光赋

Using Bash and Python Together

Using Bash and Python Together,Hello Coders! Using Bash and Python together to automate tasks on a Linux system is a powerful combination. Bash is the default shell in most Linux d...
Getting Started with REPL on the Raspberry Pi Pico using Rshell-拾光赋

Getting Started with REPL on the Raspberry Pi Pico using Rshell

Getting Started with REPL on the Raspberry Pi Pico using Rshell, In the ever-expanding realm of embedded systems and microcontrollers, the Raspberry Pi Pico W has carved a niche fo...
Creando un notificador en Telegram con Bash-拾光赋

Creando un notificador en Telegram con Bash

Creando un notificador en Telegram con Bash, ¿En que consistirá el notificador? Crearemos una herramienta la cual enviará un mensaje a un bot de Telegram creado y configurado po...
Cara Menginstal Java di Linux-拾光赋

Cara Menginstal Java di Linux

Cara Menginstal Java di Linux,Untuk menginstal Java dari berkas tar.gz, Anda perlu secara manual mengekstrak arsip tersebut, mengatur variabel lingkungan, dan mengonfigurasi sistem...
Rename java packages on all branches: script.-拾光赋

Rename java packages on all branches: script.

Rename java packages on all branches: script.,Found yourself in need of a script that loops through all branches in a project and renames the package name? No? It's a bit of a stra...
How to configure python environs for Visual Studio Code-拾光赋

How to configure python environs for Visual Studio Code

How to configure python environs for Visual Studio Code,If you need to store environment variables for Python that does not automatically get detected by VS Code then this answer s...
MongoDB: How to Convert BSON Documents to a Human-readable Format-拾光赋

MongoDB: How to Convert BSON Documents to a Human-readable Format

MongoDB: How to Convert BSON Documents to a Human-readable Format,Binary Javascript Object Notation (BSON) is a bin­ary-en­coded seri­al­iz­a­tion of JSON documents. JSON is ...
A simple terminal-based restaurant recommender system-拾光赋

A simple terminal-based restaurant recommender system

A simple terminal-based restaurant recommender system,As part of my final project for the data structures and algorithms module of the computer science path in codecademy, I have m...
Bash vs Python Scripting: A Simple Practical Guide-拾光赋

Bash vs Python Scripting: A Simple Practical Guide

Bash vs Python Scripting: A Simple Practical Guide,Bash and Python are two popular scripting languages used for automation and system administration tasks. This article aims to pro...
I created a gmvault alternative.-拾光赋

I created a gmvault alternative.

I created a gmvault alternative., Why? I have tried using gmvault before, but encountered several problems: I couldn't use the latest version because the OAuth access could not be ...


Assembly,Setup Windows, Mac and Linux Systems with ease Hello people, I'm working on a OpenSource Project Assemby which is a one time setup script for basic utilities and was makin...