Codecademy Python Final Project
Codecademy Python Final Project,Hello everyone!This is my Python final project for Codecademy. This is my first project where I used python and bash on my own computer. I decided t...
My 2021 Learning Plan
My 2021 Learning Plan, My 2021 Journey (4 Part Series) 1 My 2021 Learning Plan 2 Weekly Update #1 - 10th Jan 2021 3 Weekly Update #2 - 17th Jan 2021 4 Weekly Update #3 - 24th Jan 2...
Distribute a Python App via Bash Script
Distribute a Python App via Bash Script, The Evolution of a Script (9 Part Series) 1 Aspects of Writing Solid Python Applications 2 Create a Python Command Line App with Sys Module...
How To Write Your First Airflow Pipeline
How To Write Your First Airflow Pipeline,This tutorial discusses the basic steps it takes to create your first workflow using Apache Airflow. Before getting started, you need ...
How I Python on macOS in 2020
How I Python on macOS in 2020, TL;DR Use Homebrew for Python dependencies. Use pyenv for installing Python versions. Use virtualenvwrapper to create and manage Python virtual envir...
How To Change Default Python On A Linux Machine
How To Change Default Python On A Linux Machine,Let's say you have installed Python into the following folder /home/ubuntu/Python-3.10.13 To set it default python version open a te...
Setting up django should be fast and easy.
Setting up django should be fast and easy.,I am a freelance developer. Lately, I've been heavily using Django to make my development process faster. Each time I needed to create a ...
6 Apps for becoming an iOS Power User
6 Apps for becoming an iOS Power User,When I first got an iPhone, I wasn't all too interested in using anything like Linux. Nowadays, I tinker with every single device that I own, ...
ShellPipe.py | A Hacky Remedy to Overkill Shell Scripting
ShellPipe.py | A Hacky Remedy to Overkill Shell Scripting,In my previous post, I had a bit of a rant about people not learning the idiosyncracies of the language that is bash, and ...
A simple terminal-based restaurant recommender system
A simple terminal-based restaurant recommender system,As part of my final project for the data structures and algorithms module of the computer science path in codecademy, I have m...
I fixed Google’s scripting tool
I fixed Google's scripting tool,So someone at Google released a tool called zx a couple days ago, and... Well, take a look at it for yourself: I can't be the only one who doesn't l...
Automating Route53 DNS Updates for Blue/Green Deployments (the hard way)
Automating Route53 DNS Updates for Blue/Green Deployments (the hard way), Blue/Green Architecture A blue/green architecture in some form or fashion is a necessity for highly availa...