Azure AI Vision – Remove backgrounds from images
Azure AI Vision - Remove backgrounds from images, Introduction This article demonstrates how to use the Image Analysis 4.0 API to segment an image by removing its background. You w...
From Learning to Leading: Join my journey @ Chat JPT
From Learning to Leading: Join my journey @ Chat JPT,Welcome to my inaugural post of Chat JPT on dev.to, where I'm embarking on an exciting, albeit kinda scary, self-development jo...
Microsoft Azure, AWS and Google Cloud in MedTech and Healthcare
Microsoft Azure, AWS and Google Cloud in MedTech and Healthcare,Here I will explore how MedTech CTOs and CEOs can harness AWS Cloud's capabilities to enhance clinical research, opt...
Azure Functions: V2 Python Programming Model Example
Azure Functions: V2 Python Programming Model Example,Prerequisites: Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites set up: 1.Visual Studio Code installed on your m...
Retrieving Azure Data Lake Gen2 Folder Sizes and Sending Email Reports
Retrieving Azure Data Lake Gen2 Folder Sizes and Sending Email Reports,In this blog, we will explore a Python script that retrieves folder sizes from Azure Blob Storage and sends a...
AI Team Collaboration with Azure ML Studio
AI Team Collaboration with Azure ML Studio, Fun fact: The cover image of this post is generated by Bing AI :) Building an AI solution requires more than just one person. You need a...
Azure Cloud Infrastructure: Step-by-Step Guide
Azure Cloud Infrastructure: Step-by-Step Guide, Introduction After I wrote about how to build a cloud infrastructure, I decided to implement real-world projects to demonstrate how ...
Image Vector Similarity Search with Azure Computer Vision and PostgreSQL
Image Vector Similarity Search with Azure Computer Vision and PostgreSQL,Recently, vector embeddings and vector databases have become increasingly popular, enabling the development...
Making a Cloud Resume
Making a Cloud Resume,The Cloud Resume Challenge presents developers with an exciting opportunity to delve into full stack static website development in the cloud. I stumbled upon ...
Python-Powered Number Plate Recognition: Unleashing the Potential of Azure Custom Vision and Azure Computer Vision
Python-Powered Number Plate Recognition: Unleashing the Potential of Azure Custom Vision and Azure Computer Vision,Introduction Number Plate Recognition (NPR) has become increasing...
Overcoming Azure Cloud Resume Challenges: A Journey of Adaptation and Growth
Overcoming Azure Cloud Resume Challenges: A Journey of Adaptation and Growth, Introduction: Embarking on the Azure Cloud journey to create a captivating resume presents its own set...
Creating Webex Bot with GPT – A Simple Guide
Creating Webex Bot with GPT - A Simple Guide,In an age where automation and efficiency are key to productivity, the integration of AI models like GPT with chat platforms has become...