Azure Spring Cloud: A Comprehensive Overview
Azure Spring Cloud: A Comprehensive Overview, In this article, you will learn about Azure Spring Cloud and its main features quickly and with ease. Continue reading on Medium » 原...
Locust on Azure: an end-to-end experience
Locust on Azure: an end-to-end experience,Locust.io is a simple and powerful load testing framework, based on python, perfectly suited for developers and APIs. Locust can be instal...
Using the new Gradle plugin for Azure Functions to deploy Spring Boot serverless applications
Using the new Gradle plugin for Azure Functions to deploy Spring Boot serverless applications, Introducing the new Gradle plugins for Azure For building and deploying Java projects...
Deploy de uma aplicação Java reativa (Pokedéx) na Microsoft Azure + CosmosDB
Deploy de uma aplicação Java reativa (Pokedéx) na Microsoft Azure + CosmosDB ,Liquid syntax error: 'raw' tag was never closed 原文链接:Deploy de uma aplicação Java reativa (P...
Durable Functions vs. Apache Airflow
Durable Functions vs. Apache Airflow,Recently I've been looking at Apache Airflow since I've noticed it getting a lot of attention from Python developers and cloud providers for su...
New Java learning path on Microsoft Learn
New Java learning path on Microsoft Learn,MS Learn is Microsoft's flagship learning platform, delivering free online tutorials for everyone to study, understand and deliver great t...
9 Great Tips for Production Machine Learning
9 Great Tips for Production Machine Learning, TLDR; Incorporating a new state of the art machine learning model into a production application is a rewarding yet often frustrating e...
Serverless Python on Azure: Django with App Service
Serverless Python on Azure: Django with App Service,Over time, one of the most tiresome and non-rewarding tasks to some developers I know is the setup, maintenance and scaling of s...
Setting up Spring Security with Azure Active Directory
Setting up Spring Security with Azure Active Directory,Below are the settings to configure a Spring Boot web app to use Azure Active Directory authentication. App is based on sprin...
Take the Python Virtual Labs at #PyConIndia2020
Take the Python Virtual Labs at #PyConIndia2020, PyCon India 2020 (2 Part Series) 1 Join us at #PyConIndia2020 2 Take the Python Virtual Labs at #PyConIndia2020 Welcome to the Pyth...
How to create Functions in Azure using Python
How to create Functions in Azure using Python,Recently, I have become a Microsoft learn student ambassador. As I was upgraded to Alpha MLSA, I was given credits to use Microsoft Az...
Using GitHub Actions to Automate Image Classification with Microsoft Azure Custom Vision Services
Using GitHub Actions to Automate Image Classification with Microsoft Azure Custom Vision Services, My Workflow I created this new GitHub Action available here with which we can aut...